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First off i would like to thank robyDx For his wonderfull tutorial on the subject of skinning animation, i used his source code to start getting my project up and running, slight problem though it doesnt work in full screen mode, ive tried using dbmon and unmannaged debugging and couldnt get any more information with either of them. the problem occers at

           RootFrame = Mesh.LoadHierarchyFromFile(filesrc, MeshFlags.Managed, Device, alloc, Nothing)
'or if your using robydx's class (Same error on full screen)
       animazione = Mesh.LoadHierarchyFromFile(filesrc, MeshFlags.Managed, device, alloc, Nothing)

the error reads somewhat like this

InitializeWorld:Error in the application.
-2005530516 (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
  at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Mesh.LoadHierarchyFromFile(String filename, MeshFlags options, Device device, AllocateHierarchy allocHierarcy, LoadUserData userDataLoader)
  at W_Logic_RPG.DX9.SkinningMesh..ctor(String filesrc, String texP) in C:\Documents and Settings\Harry\Desktop\Programming\W-Logic RPG\clsDX901.vb:line 1794
  at W_Logic_RPG.modWorld.Initialize() in C:\Documents and Settings\Harry\Desktop\Programming\W-Logic RPG\modWorld.vb:line 51
The program '[3748] W-Logic RPG.exe' has exited with code 0 (0x0).




Doesnt Appear to be fullscreen anymore, But its still crashing at the excact same spot in my application the exact same code seems to work fine in roby dx's and i cant figure out why same code same file?! anyone know of any settings i might have changed that would prevent it from working?


Hmmm no answer yet,


Here are all the settings i could find.

Device Type:





MultiSampleQuality: 0

PresentationInterval: Default

FullScreenRefreshRateInHz: 0

PresentFlag: None

AutoDepthStencilFormat: D16

EnableAutoDepthStencil: True

Windowed: False

DeviceWindowHandle: 0


SwapEffect: Discard

MultiSample: None

BackBufferCount: 1

BackBufferFormat: A8R8G8B8

BackBufferHeight: 768

BackBufferWidth: 1024

ForceNoMultiThreadedFlag: False


Sampler State (0) 'The only One im using

DMapOffset: 0

ElementIndex: 0

SrgbTexture: False

MaxAnisotropy: 1

MaxMipLevel: 0

MipMapLevelOfDetailBias: 0

MipFilter: None

MinFilter: Linear

MagFilter: Linear

BorderColor: 0

AddressW: Wrap

AddressV: Wrap

AddressU: Wrap


And Finnaly the device render states:


AlphaBlendOperation: Add

AlphaDestinationBlend: Zero

AlphaSourceBlend: One

SeparateAlphaBlendEnabled: False

BlendFactor: Color [A=255, R=255, G=255, B=255]

ColorWriteEnable3: RedGreenBlueAlpha

ColorWriteEnable2: RedGreenBlueAlpha

ColorWriteEnable1: RedGreenBlueAlpha

CounterClockwiseStencilFunction: Always

CounterClockwiseStencilPass: Keep

CounterClockwiseStencilZBufferFail: Keep

CounterClockwiseStencilFail: Keep

TwoSidedStencilMode: False

EnableAdaptiveTessellation: False

AdaptiveTessellateW: 0

AdaptiveTessellateZ: 1

AdaptiveTessellateY: 0

AdaptiveTessellateX: 0

MinTessellationLevel: 1

MaxTessellationLevel: 1

AntiAliasedLineEnable: False

DepthBias: 0

SlopeScaleDepthBias: 0

ScissorTestEnable: False

NormalDegree: Linear

PositionDegree: Cubic

BlendOperation: Add

TweenFactor: 0

ColorWriteEnable: RedGreenBlueAlpha

IndexedVertexBlendEnable: False

PointSizeMax: 8192

DebugMonitorTokenEnabled: False

PatchEdgeStyle: Discrete

MultiSampleMask: -1

MultiSampleAntiAlias: True

PointScaleC: 0

PointScaleB: 0

PointScaleA: 1

PointScaleEnable: False

PointSpriteEnable: False

PointSizeMin: 1

PointSize: 1

VertexBlend: Disable

EmissiveMaterialSource: Material

AmbientMaterialSource: Material

SpecularMaterialSource: Color2

DiffuseMaterialSource: Color1

NormalizeNormals: False

LocalViewer: True

ColorVertex: True

FogVertexMode: None

Ambient: Color [A=0, R=0, G=0, B=0]

Lighting: True

Clipping: True

Wrap15: 0

Wrap14: 0

Wrap13: 0

Wrap12: 0

Wrap11: 0

Wrap10: 0

Wrap9: 0

Wrap8: 0

Wrap7: 0

Wrap6: 0

Wrap5: 0

Wrap4: 0

Wrap3: 0

Wrap2: 0

Wrap1: 0

Wrap0: 0

TextureFactor: -1

StencilWriteMask: -1

StencilMask: -1

ReferenceStencil: 0

StencilFunction: Always

StencilPass: Keep

StencilZBufferFail: Keep

StencilFail: Keep

StencilEnable: False

RangeFogEnable: False

FogDensity: 1

FogEnd: 1

FogStart: 0

FogTableMode: None

FogColor: Color [A=0, R=0, G=0, B=0]

SpecularEnable: False

FogEnable: False

AlphaBlendEnable: True

DitherEnable: True

AlphaFunction: Always

ReferenceAlpha: 0

ZBufferFunction: LessEqual

CullMode: CounterClockwise

DestinationBlend: InvSourceAlpha

SourceBlend: SourceAlpha

LastPixel: True

AlphaTestEnable: False

ZBufferWriteEnable: True

UseWBuffer: False

ZBufferEnable: True

ShadeMode: Gouraud

FillMode: Solid

Posted (edited)

The Source Code For the Skinning Animation


Im Attaching the code for the class its the same as robyDx's But translated and it works in robydx's sample program (i used this exact code) but with the same files it crashes in mine (see error above).


Edited by rifter1818
Try setting VS to break into debugger when any exception is thrown (Debug->Exceptions). I hope this helps, I haven't had the time to check your code.
  • 2 weeks later...
Try setting VS to break into debugger when any exception is thrown (Debug->Exceptions). I hope this helps' date=' I haven't had the time to check your code.[/quote']

Didnt help just stops at the line but nothing seams out of order..

I've taken the time to test your code. It works ok for me. Where do you get an exception. Do you use HAL device? The most common mistake is that your device does not support that many bone weights as are required by the mesh.

Found it


I've taken the time to test your code. It works ok for me. Where do you get an exception. Do you use HAL device? The most common mistake is that your device does not support that many bone weights as are required by the mesh.

yet again another stupid mistake by me, hardest kind to see, my refrence to the device was wrong Just by passing a few instances of the device to the classes it worked, really wierd that nothing about the device came up in the error message though. *hides from people who spent thier valuable time helping my stupidity*

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