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Hello, having a small problem....


Want to create my label dynamicly. Found another post on this forum where i have found the info with the With function, so that worked.... only now i've got another small problem. If I run my loop, the previous created label is gone!


That is not what I want. How do I create something so that every created label stays?


Under here my current code....


 Dim iDaysInMonth As Integer 'The number of days in a month
 Dim iCurrentDay As Integer = 1 'The current day... necessary for the loop
 Dim iDowStart As Integer 'Declare daysofweek from the 1st day of the month
 Dim iTxtBoxWidth As Integer = 24 'The width of the text box with the day number in it.
 Dim iTxtBoxPos As Integer
 iDaysInMonth = Now.DaysInMonth(Now.Year, Now.Month)
 iDowStart = DateTime.Now.Parse(Now.Year & "/" & Now.Month & "/01").DayOfWeek + 1
 ' MessageBox.Show(iDowStart)
 Do Until iCurrentDay = iDaysInMonth
   txt = New Label
   iTxtBoxPos = (iCurrentDay * iTxtBoxWidth) + (iCurrentDay)
     With txt 'Not correct??
       .Location = New Point(iTxtBoxPos, 15)
       .Size = New Size(24, 24)
       .Text = iCurrentDay
       .Visible = True
       .BackColor = Color.Red
     End With
   iCurrentDay += 1


I tested your code in Page_Load and all dates were shown EXCEPT the last one. Your loop condition should probably be:


Do Until iCurrentDay > iDaysInMonth


rather than


Do Until iCurrentDay = iDaysInMonth

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