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I'm making an IRC Client in VB.Net (2003). I'm trying to incorporate a DCC (Direct Client-To-Client) Get, but I'm having problems.


It only downloads the first kilobyte of information. I tried unsuccesfully using a BufferedStream.


Here's most of my code:



           DLipEndPt = New IPEndPoint(ipAddress, port)


           txtStatus.Text &= "Connecting, please wait..." & vbCrLf

           dSock = New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp) 'make a tcp socket


           netStr = New NetworkStream(dSock, True)

           dSR = New StreamReader(netStr)

           dSW = New StreamWriter(netStr)


           timerGetStr.Enabled = True

'THE TIMER (set to 100)


           If txtStatus.Text.ToLower.IndexOf("receiving file") = -1 Then

              ' does only the first time

               dSW.WriteLine("DCC GET " & nickName & " " & filename)


               txtStatus.Text &= "Sent acknowledgement..." & vbCrLf

              'the acknowledgement is in accordance to the RFC guide 
              'to the IRC protocol

               netStr = New NetworkStream(dSock)

           End If


           If txtStatus.Text.ToLower.IndexOf("receiving file...") = -1 And txtStatus.Text.ToLower.IndexOf("finished") = -1 _
               Then txtStatus.Text &= "Receiving file..." & vbCrLf

           If netStr.DataAvailable Then

               Dim bytes(1024) As [byte]

               Dim data As [string] = Nothing

               Dim i As Int32 = netStr.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)

               If i <> 0 Then

                   ' Translate data bytes to a ASCII string.

                   'If Not serverWindow Then Console.Write("timer is working in channel window")

                   data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, i)

                   fSW = New StreamWriter(saveFileTo, True)

                   fSW.Write([string].Format("{0}", data))


                   wroteToFile = True


               End If

           ElseIf netStr.DataAvailable = False And wroteToFile Then

               If txtStatus.Text.ToLower.IndexOf("finished") = -1 Then

                   txtStatus.Text &= "Finished downloading..."

                   btnOpenFile.Enabled = True

                   btnClose.Text = "Close"



               End If

           End If

       Catch ex As Exception


           txtStatus.Text &= "An error has occurred..." & vbCrLf

       End Try


Basically, the problem is that it downloads a packet of data and stops. This is odd because I used almost the exact same code for the actual IRC part and it works great. (I also tried using dSR.Readtoend) and it also just gives me a packet of data).


Thank you in advance.


netStr = New NetworkStream(dSock)


Dim i As Int32 = netStr.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)


This is set in a timer right ?

I think that... if you make a "new" each time... the position in the stream might change...

The only thing I see is that you're always download the first 1024 bytes in the stream that each 100milliseconds you try to do the same.

Understand my point ? You'll have to make your new elsewhere.


(Never maked a IRC DCC Get but... I think I'm right... If I'm wrong somebody correct me please)

"If someone say : "Die mortal !"... don't stay to see if he isn't." - Unknown

"Learning to program is like going out with a new girl friend. There's always something that wasn't mentioned in the documentation..." - Me

"A drunk girl is like an animal... it scream at everything like a cat and roll in the grass like a dog." - Me after seeing my girlfriend drunk and some of her drunk friend.



Thank you, but unfortunately, it still doesn't work. (Though, I don't even know why I had a New Netstr in a timer)


In response to your comment, I tried doing some kind of loop/timer where the "offset integer" would increase - then I made the "size" increase (the parameters for netstr.read()).


Dim offInt as integer = 0



i = netStr.read(bytes, offInt, bytes.length)

offInt += 2048


What is also interesting is that if I also use dSR.ReadtoEnd() it gets a different part of the file - but still only a small part.


It makes sense, but I feel like I'm missing a small but crucial part.


Unfortunately, nothing worked - except if I change the bytes(1024) --> bytes(2048) I get the first 2kb of info... I tried putting a large number in but the IDE warned me of a "overflow" problem.

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