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I basically need to read a CSV text file with multiple entries that looks like such:






I am then trying to store the names in a memberData array and the phone #'s in a phoneData array respectively. Below is the code in which I have so far:


   Dim fileName, line, Message As String
   Dim temp As String()
   Dim memberData() As String = {}
   Dim phoneData() As String = {}
   Dim i, counter, upperBound As Integer

   Dim sr As IO.StreamReader


   Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

       fileName = "Members.txt"
       counter = 0
       upperBound = 0

       If IO.File.Exists(fileName) Then
           sr = IO.File.OpenText(fileName)
           Message = "Either no file has yet been created or the file "
           Message &= fileName & " is not where expected."
           MsgBox(Message, , "File Not Found")
       End If

       For i = 0 To 4
           Do While (sr.Peek() <> -1)
               line = sr.ReadLine
               temp = line.Split(","c)
               ReDim Preserve memberData(i)
               memberData(i) = temp(0) & "," & temp(1)

   End Sub


The problem I am running into is that the temp array locations 0 and 1 keep getting overwritten and the last entry in the text file is just being stored instead of all the entries. I have been going at this for a while and can't seem to get the right syntax. Please help.


Remove the For Loop, and this code should do the job:


 Do While (sr.Peek() <> -1)
   line = sr.ReadLine
   temp = line.Split(",")
   ReDim Preserve memberData(i)
   ReDim Preserve phoneData(i)
   memberData(i) = temp(0) & "," & temp(1)
   phoneData(i) = temp(2)
   i += 1


The way you had it, the counter was increased only after you finished reading all the lines, that's why only the last entry was saved.

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