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Hi, all


I confused that datagrid cannot update to db.

I create a dataset and fill in the datagrid component.

   Private Sub frmCountry1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
       dim sSQL as string 
       dim da as new dataAdapter()
       dim ds as new dataSet()


       da = New SqlDataAdapter(sSQL, sConnString)
       da.TableMappings.Add("Table", "TMP")
       datagrid1.DataSource = ds.Tables("TMP")
   End Sub


When I modify the records in datagrid, I can't update to database...

How can I do it?


I have try this.... :confused: no effect .... :o



remove the ds.Tables("TMP").AcceptChanges() line ...

that command is saying to the dataset that you have accepted all changes and there is nothing to update to the SQL .. which means you are shooting yourself in the foot.. take it out and it should either work or crash which means you are a little further then before ... :)

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