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This is a follow up to the "datagrid on windows forms" question.


I looked at the following page that tlaks about setting column widths of a datagrid




and modified my code as follows


Dim style As New DataGridTableStyle

style.MappingName = "providers_list"

style.GridColumnStyles(0).Width = 150

style.GridColumnStyles(1).Width = 200

style.GridColumnStyles(2).Width = 300


dtgCourses.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)



I get an index error when I run this, even though the selection sql has more then 3 return fields for each record.


How can I set the column widths of a datagrid from the code behind?








You need to declare grid column styles after the style.mappingName statement, eg Dim FirstNameCol As New DataGridTextBoxColumn().

Then set the various properties of the FirstNameCol column style i.e. .Width = 100, etc.

Then, add the new column style to the DataGridTableStyle collection using

style.GridColumnStyles.Add(FirstNameCol), and so on for each column style needed in the datagrid.


Hope this helps


One more thing, you need to delete the following


"style.GridColumnStyles(0).Width = 150

style.GridColumnStyles(1).Width = 200

style.GridColumnStyles(2).Width = 300"

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