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Hi everyone,


Greetings from me to all of you. I'm a newbie here :D . Well anyway, I need to ask something.


I am trying to encrypt a password. I am using the MD5CryptoServiceProvider Class (Any other suggestions???). To compute the hash code, that class has a method called ComputeHash. This method accepts an array of Bytes as its



So ... the password were given in type String. I've look in the documentation, but I can't find anything about converting a String to an array of Bytes. So ... I can't continue my work. Up to this point, that's the last thing I need to do to finish my work. Please help. Thanks.



Amir Syafrudin

Dim MyString As String = "yadda yadda yaa"

Dim MyByteArray() As Byte

Dim MyEncoding As New System.Text.ASCIIEncoding


MyByteArray = MyEncoding.GetBytes(MyString)

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."

"It's not that I'm so smart , it's just that I stay with problems longer ."

- Albert Einstein


Thanks to DR00ME and PlausiblyDamp.


You know, below is my code ...


             '===Hashing current password
             For Each character As Char In tmpPass
                  currPass(0) = System.Convert.ToByte(character)
                  cryptedPass = Me.crypter.ComputeHash(currPass)
                  currentPass = currentPass & cryptedPass(0).ToString


I actually convert one character by one character in the input String to Byte and then I hash that character. It's kind a straight forward isn't it. :D


Well anyway, thanks again. :)

Amir Syafrudin

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