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I have this txt file:



10 NAME1 15

12 NAME2 30

16 NAME3 50


How to count lines in this file, but lines who start with id smaller then 15?


in my example I need to return just 2


I know how to count lines but can't make it work with this.



If you post your code I will have a look to see where you are going wrong. You need to read each line, adding to a counter if the substring of the beginning characters (parsed) <15
If you post your code I will have a look to see where you are going wrong. You need to read each line' date=' adding to a counter if the substring of the beginning characters (parsed) <15[/quote']



this is the code, a little complicated because for each loop the "name2" is different:


 Dim Read_status1 As New System.IO.StreamReader(nume2)

       Dim count As Integer = 0
       For x1 = 0 To 80

           Dim Line1 As String = Read_status1.ReadLine()

                   If Line1 = "" Then


                       Dim values_status1() = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Line1, ControlChars.Tab)
                       If values_status1(0) = "#ID" Then
                           x1 = x1 - 1
                           count += 1
                       End If

                   End If

       Next x1


Dim Read_status1 As New System.IO.StreamReader(nume2)


Dim count As Integer = 0


Dim Line1 As String = Read_status1.ReadLine()


Do While Not Line1 Is Nothing


Dim values_status1() = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Line1, ControlChars.Tab)



Dim val As Integer = CInt(values_status1(0))


If val < 15 Then

count += 1

End If



End Try


Line1 = Read_status1.ReadLine()






hi , and thanks for the answer sjn78


but....you code you give me isn't working because the values_status1(0) is "ID" and can't be converted to integer.


another ideea is to skip the first line in counting, and then the values_status1(0) will be a int value and then will work, but don't know how to skip a line in a txt file counting.


sugestions ?




I know that "ID" wont go to an int, thats why its in a Try-Catch-Finally routine. When it sees this, it should just handle the error without crashing and go to the next line.


I didn't try the code posted in a program, but I have done something like this before and it works. You may just have to play around with what I posted and it should work.


Or you could just have


Dim Line1 As String = Read_status1.ReadLine()

Line1 = Read_status1.ReadLine()


before the loop. It reads 2 lines, so your at the second line when the loop starts.

I know that "ID" wont go to an int, thats why its in a Try-Catch-Finally routine. When it sees this, it should just handle the error without crashing and go to the next line.


I didn't try the code posted in a program, but I have done something like this before and it works. You may just have to play around with what I posted and it should work.


Or you could just have


Dim Line1 As String = Read_status1.ReadLine()

Line1 = Read_status1.ReadLine()


before the loop. It reads 2 lines, so your at the second line when the loop starts.




is working now..thanks a lot.

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