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I`ve got a DateTimePicker DtpDate


 dtpDate.CustomFormat = "dd.MM.yyyy"


I`ve got an access database with a table

 table tblExpenses(amount, Date)

tblExpenses.Date format format is DateTime (i.e : dd.mm.yyyy (11.01.2003))


I want to select sum(Amount) from tblExpenses where tblexpenses.date = dtpDate.value


Dim Date As String = dtpDate.Value.Month
           Dim Expences As String = cboUtgift.Text
           adExpences= New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT Sum(tblExpences.Amount) AS 'Totals ' from tblExpences where '" & Date & "' = Month(tblExpences.Date) ", Me.OleDbConnection)
           adExpences.Fill(dsExpences, "dtExpences")


What am I missing?


give me a code example if possible

Forgot to say: the code acts like the "WHERE" clause doesn`t work. As if the comparison isn`t a valid comparison. Anybody got an Idea about how to solve this problem?

I tried as you described, but received following message:

"Syntax error in Date in query expression "tblExpences.Date = #19.01.2003"".


tableExpemces.Date has Date/Time as Datatype, and short Date as format. dtpDate format is Short


adInntekt = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("select sum(tblExpences.Amount) as Tor FROM tblExpenceswhere tblExpences.date = #" & dtpDate.value & "# ", Me.OleDbConnection)


I solved the problem by doing the following:

Dim myString As String = dtpDato.Value
   Dim aString As String
       aString = (Replace(myString, ".", "/"))

   Dim Expences As String = cboExpences.Text
           adExpences= New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("select (tblExpences.Amount) as tot FROM tblExpences where tblExpences.date = #" & aString & "#;) ", Me.OleDbConnection)
           adExpences.Fill(dsExpences, "dtExpences")

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