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I am converting an asp site to asp.net. I had one page that had a lot of email links for officers in a company. When I built the asp page rather than hard code the email address in the html I kept them in an include page and just included that on any page that needed an address. This made it easy when someone got promoted or left the company because I only had to change in one place.


So how do I emulate this in asp.net?


I created a VB class and put the variables in it. But how can I include this in my html page directive and how can I reference the variable within some html?

Wanna-Be C# Superstar

I don't really need a UI element. All I have is 6 string variables that I want to keep centralized and reference in my code.


Here is my class



Namespace functions

Public Class MailList




End Class

End Namespace



And then in my aspx page I have:


<%@ Import Namespace="Functions.MailList.vb" %>


in the directives at the top and then in my page I have:


<a href="mailto:" & <%=Functions.MailList.Prez()%> & "?Subject=stuff">President@yoyo.org</a>



I noticed that it put the () after my Prez. I guess it wants to see a function name???

Wanna-Be C# Superstar
I really don't have any functions. They are merely variables that don't change and I don't need to manipulate them. I have added them as read only properties of my class but I can't get them to import into the asp.net page for some reason.
Wanna-Be C# Superstar

Thank you so much for being patient kahlua001.


I got it hammered out. I had a namespace in there too so I had to modify your last line a tad


<%= myproject.mynamespace.sample.PresidentEmail %>

Wanna-Be C# Superstar

I couldn't agree with you more, Derek, that containing variables in the code behind page on the On_Load event is much more feasible and makes for a more efficient design. But in this case how would I go about doing that?


I have text in a span tag that I want to be inline with, and styled like, the text that gets generated from the variable call. I figured out how i could assign the variable to a label in the On_Load event and it seems easy enough. I just envision a web page where all of the text looks consistent except for these variables. It kind of detracts from their dynamic nature.

Wanna-Be C# Superstar
  • *Gurus*

Span elements should inherent their parent's attributes.

<span id="firstName" runat="server"></span>

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    firstName.InnerText = yourVariable
End Sub

You may have to cast the span element to a HtmlContainerControl prior to setting it's text.


Thanks Derek,


VS.NET is telling me that I can't use the span tag because I am inside a table.


Also the element isn't being recognized in the code behind page. I can't reference it as




or as Me.firstname


The cast won't accept it either.


But it does sound like this should work.

Wanna-Be C# Superstar

I finally hammered it out!! Thanks for your help Derek.


Here is what I have for html:


<td><span id="ctlPresidentElect" runat="server"></span></TD></TR>


What I was missing was a declaration in the 'Windows Generated' section like so:


Protected WithEvents ctlPresidentElect As HtmlGenericControl


And then in Page_Load:


ctlPresidentElect.InnerHtml = "<A href=" & "mailto:" & PrezElect & "?Subject=SureNough" & " >PresidentElect@dotnot.org</A>"


Thanks again, I appreciate it.

Wanna-Be C# Superstar

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