Danmilkman Posted February 26, 2004 Posted February 26, 2004 Hi, I'm trying to make some sort of an active desktop for an application in windows (in vb.net). Can anyone help me get started? The idea is to start programs from "a desktop" without revealing the real desktop from windows (topmost?), when the icon (for a application) is clicked it needs to start en get the focus. Also when minimized I want it to be able to come back on top when clicked on a "self-made" toolbar. Can anyone help me? Thnx. D@n. Quote Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them!
AlexCode Posted February 26, 2004 Posted February 26, 2004 Ok... Since this isn't quite simple I usually like to ask: Why do you want to do this? Is it to only let user see and run just the things you want? If so, Windows have the nicest little things called "Group Policy's" that do quite that and more. Whith this you can even hide everything you have on the desktop, and I mean everything... the complete Start bar and all icons, and just show or a Form in a shape of toolbar or directly the icons you want to let visible... Does this suite you? Alex :p Quote Software bugs are impossible to detect by anybody except the end user.
Danmilkman Posted February 28, 2004 Author Posted February 28, 2004 No, actually this doesn't suite me. I'm asking for this because of the fact that I'm writing an application that needs to administrator a network of computers in a gaming environment. Whenever a user starts an application (which we allow by putting it on the "active" deskop) a counter starts and credits from a useraccount will decrease. Thnx. anyway. grtz, D@n. Quote Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them!
AlexCode Posted February 28, 2004 Posted February 28, 2004 I don't mean to be annoying but, if you have to have a network of computer.. possibly a server... why doesn't my suggestion suite you? In my way of see the thing it only could be "unsuitable" if you didn't have a network running. Whenever a user starts an application (which we allow by putting it on the "active" deskop) a counter starts and credits from a useraccount will decrease. Still with the same network server you can manage the users credits using WebServices (easyer) or Remoting (more performant but worst to implement). I don't know if you wnat this but, using this with WebServices you could spread the users around the world comunicating with your server via Internet! (It can also be donne with Remoting but Firewall don't "like" it!). Again I don't want to be boring... I'm just trying to give you some new ideas with witch you can spend less time with already develloped techs! Alex :p Quote Software bugs are impossible to detect by anybody except the end user.
Danmilkman Posted March 2, 2004 Author Posted March 2, 2004 Not exactly what I'm looking for. But I'm interested. Tell me more. How to start? :D Quote Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them!
AlexCode Posted March 2, 2004 Posted March 2, 2004 You'll find every resourse for the Group Policy's in http://www.technet.com... Notice that this is a Administration task... Develloper and Administrator tend to seperate themselfs but the dependency between theese too areas is gowing! :) Web services it's a easy task to make... If I were you I would consider learning the basics about Server Administration first... Then, when you have some specific doubt count on me ok? Alex :p Quote Software bugs are impossible to detect by anybody except the end user.
Danmilkman Posted March 4, 2004 Author Posted March 4, 2004 Thnx, Alex. I'm going to try! :D Quote Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them!
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