Bodybag Posted February 25, 2004 Posted February 25, 2004 for windows apps: Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET provides merge modules to ensure the correct report components and component versions are installed with your application. The Crystal Reports merge modules need to be included in a setup project to deploy reports. These merge modules are located in the following default location: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Merge Modules. Merge Module Description Crystal_Managed2003.msm The Crystal_Managed2003.msm merge module installs all the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET managed components such as: CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.dll CrystalDecisions.Web.dll CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.dll Crystal_Database_Access2003.msm The Crystal_Database_Access2003.msm merge module installs all database drivers the report uses to connect to various types of data sources. This merge module also installs export destination and format drivers, which are used to save reports to different file formats such as RTF and HTML. This merge module is also used to install all non-managed runtime components for Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET, including charting components. Crystal_Database_Access2003_enu.msm The Crystal_Database_Access2003_enu.msm installs language-specific (localized) components. Some of the localized charting and exporting components are installed by this merge module. Each language the product is released in will have a specific version of this merge module. Crystal_regwiz2003.msm Crystal_regwiz2003.msm configures registration information on deployed computers (server or client) in order to track licensing information. When Crystal_regwiz2003.msm is added to a setup project, it exposes a LicenseKey property that must be set before building the setup project. The license key is emailed to you when the product is registered. This key is also available from the About Microsoft Visual Studio .NET dialog box from the Help menu. Enter this license key into the LicenseKey property for the Crystal_regwiz2003.msm merge module. Note If the license key is not set for the Crystal_regwiz2003.msm merge module, an error will occur when building the project. If the setup is installed on a target computer without specifying the license key for the merge module, various keycodedev2.dll errors will occur. HY MOET NET ONTHOU OM SY LICENCE KEY IN THE TIK IN DIE Crystal_regwiz2003.msm MERGE MODULE... Quote Programmers are trying to create bigger and beter idiot proof programs.The universe is trying to create bigger and beter idiots and so far the universe is winning.
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