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I got the error say : "Addition Information: No data exists for row/column" when I loaded data from OledBdatareader to textbox.


Here is my code


Function GetCustomer() as boolean

Dim dr as oledb.oledbDatareader

dim mycommand as new Oledb.OledbCommand()

dim myConn as new oledb.OledbConnection()

dim strSql as string

strSql = "Select SerialNumber, LastName, FirstName From Customer"

myconn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = C:\Customer.mdb'"


mycommand = new oledb.oledbcommand(strsql, myconn)


dr = mycommand.executereader()

catch ex as oledb.oledbexception

return false

end try

while dr.read()

txtSerialNumber.text = dr("SerialNumber")

txtLast.text = dr("LastName")

txtFirst.text= dr("FirstName")

end while



return true

End function


I debugged and It gave me the error at dr("LastName"). Please help me with this problem. Thanks

  • Moderators

Are you trying to bind the textboxes to the data?

In your code you are looping the DR, so what happens if there are 100 rows in it, will you display only the last row in your textbox?

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