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This thread was excatly what I needed to do in my application. However, when I try typing it in, it gives me an error during my decalration of...


Dim stai AS New wait


It says the type 'wait' is not declared. Am I missing something? :confused:


well.....the "wait" is a form...and maybe you don't have a form named wait.




If you are going to be using a loop such as:


Do Until intBlah = 3


In most cases, it would be good to add a System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Sleep so that system utilization won't be so high. For example:


Do Until intBlah = 3


If you compare the two code-snippets, you will notice that the CPU utilization for the 2nd one is significantly lower than the first. If you are waiting for user input or something similar without tons of other stuff processing on the same thread, there will be no noticable delay in responsiveness at all. Afterall, it is just 20 milliseconds.

mov ax, 13h

int 10h

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