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My past experience has been with OpenGL, so I'm used to be able to specify a normal, texture, and color for every vertex. I'm now using MDX's CustomVertex, and I've found several different combinations. I've found textured+normal, normal+color, etc. But none of them allow all 3. If I want to have lighting, I need normals. But then I can't do both colors and textures, which forces me to create textures of several different colors, instead of allowing me to use the color of a vertex to blend and affect the color of the texture. Is there a way around this?






You can use different vertex structure without using any customvertex structure.

Hovever I don't understan one thing:

you want color and normal?


normal are use to lightmesh that means apply a color based on

light. You can use ambient color or emissive color.

anyway is possible

use a thing like this

structure newVertexType

dim position as vector3

dim color as integer...



then use vertexformat to create the appropriate vertex format




Dim x As VertexFormats = VertexFormats.Texture1 Or VertexFormats.Transformed Or VertexFormats.Diffuse


Texture1 means 1 texture

Transformed is wehre you use the normal(rhw)

diffuse is the color :-D

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