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Buy a 200% faster processor :)


I havent tried this, but theres suppose to be some software called HyperOS, which you run from under windows (like with dos in the good ole' days). This runs windows solely from memory. So it should be great if you have 2 gb of memory.

you could buy the book "windows xp hacks", theres a few performance tweaks in there. Though you're probably better saving your money and buying a better processor or more RAM. I find tweaks or apps that claim to "speed up windows" invariably provide no noticable performance increase and can stop things working properly anyways.
You can not get ye flask.
  • *Experts*

If you're a Home User running XP Pro (taken from Work maybe?), you're probably running a lot of things you'll never use (services are a prime example).


To know what you can remove and can't (or shouldn't), you'd need a lot of reading. You can start with the "tweak" sites, but that's just the beginning. So in this respect, you could potentially speed up Windows a LOT, but you have to have a lot of knowledge to know what to disable, turn off, tweak, etc. There's no easy switch you can flip to speed it up.


Actually, if you have an older process (486), you might be able to toggle a switch and speed up your computer. But I doubt you have such a switch and doubly doubt that it would be in the "slow" position. If you had such a computer running Windows XP, you'd have committed suicide a long time ago.



"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center." - Kurt Vonnegut

disable skinning, is a good start, like Nerseus disbale soem services, run from an ntfs filesystem, maybe disable some useless ntfs funtion like file modifyed date(not recoment, but a litte faster if you open en edit files lot), if you have more than 512mb ram, lock the kernal in memory


or just get more ram and a faster cpu(that what i'm going to do when i have more money, it hard being a kid lol)


Well, first, you can uninstall all those applications that you don't use (you can keep office, someday you will need it), some registry hacks will help too, stop the services you don't need (like remote registry and Windows Time)

then buy a PIV 2.X processor and 2 GB of RAM, LOL, no seriously, tweaking a bit your Windows will not harm it, but if you don't know how to do this, better make a backup first

Fat kids are harder to kidnap
  samsmithnz said:
There's recently been rumors recently of Windows XP Light. I know there was a windows 95 one, that was only 10MB. No frills, but fast as lightning. I don't know where you'd get something like this, and obviously its far from being supported.


I remember 95 lite, 98 lite, ME lite and 2000 lite.


I know they took out the Internet Explorer Integergration, but there was a flaw in that. Microsofts Monopoly has been completed and many people write software for windows to expect IE to be there (I know real media does) and use its .dll's and all of the files.


So Bill Gates was partially correct. He says you can't remove IE. Technically you can, but you need to reinstall it (non integrated) for many files to run properly.


I havn't used one of them recently because I'm developing programs and I wouldn't trust hacking the OS.


For the most part, you probobly don't need a better processessor, let alone a top of the line one.


I really think people trust in the all mighty clock speed waay too much. I'm not saying that clock speed is invalid, but recently its become less and less of an indicator of a computers actual speed.


I have what I call "The Tank". Its an Athlon 750 w/512megs of ram. For its time, it was a damn fine top of the line computer.


Even up to this last summer I never felt the need for more, like older computers in the past.


The only reason I got a new computer was that I needed a laptop for school and work. I got a pIV 2.2 ghz w/512megs of ram.


Really there isn't a whole lot of a difference, and despite my laptop's clock is 3x The Tanks, its not much faster.


I'm sure if you push the envelope, you'll see some difference, but I use both and I always have 2-8 apps open, usually a dvd playing in the background, 15 windows all over the place, etc. I don't notice any problems on either.


I still don't have video games or DVDs slow down on my 750...


In my personal opinion I think that RAM is much more important, followed by the dedicated hard drive for your swap file (a fast hard drive).


Loading the kernal into RAM sounds interesting, but it also sounds like you'd need A LOT of RAM for that... well RAM is cheap now :D

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