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Does anyone know how to update a MS Access file in VB.NET? My code currently looks this:


     Private Sub mnuSaveConfig_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuSaveConfig.Click
       Dim strSQL As String, i As Short
       Dim objConnection As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
           objConnection = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(strFile)
           objCommand = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand()
           objCommand.Connection = objConnection
       Catch val As Exception
           MessageBox.Show(val.Message, "Database Connection Error")
       End Try
           For i = 0 To Matrix.Length / 6 - 1  ' // 384 total Matrix entries, 6 Fields per Matrix row, therefore 384/6=64 rows, numbered 0 to 63.
               strSQL = "UPDATE Config " & _
                           "SET Name = " & Convert.ToString(Matrix(i, 1)) & ", " & _
                               "Address = " & Convert.ToString(Matrix(i, 2)) & ", " & _
                               "Level = " & Convert.ToString(Matrix(i, 3)) & ", " & _
                               "Switch Address = " & Convert.ToString(Matrix(i, 4)) & ", " & _
                               "I/O = " & Convert.ToString(Matrix(i, 5)) & " " & _
                           "WHERE ID = " & Convert.ToString(Matrix(i, 0))
               objCommand.CommandText = strSQL
           mnuSaveConfig.Enabled = False
       Catch val As Exception
           MessageBox.Show("Unable to safe settings." & vbCrLf & val.Message, "Configuration Error")
       End Try
   End Sub

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