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Hello everyone


I haven't a clue as to how ...


to get a selected items "features" ie if someone selects a car from the list (ListBox) 2004 Chevy S-10 into the provided text boxes for those features. The features being air conditoining, color etc. So if I were to select the chevy.. the text boxes would list those features> the text box for air cond would have the value "true" > the text box would have the value "red"


I am lost with this one. Can someone give me an idea?


am I over explaining it?








I kind of want to do something like this:(?)

  Public Sub FillTextBoxes(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

       Dim index As Integer '= CarArrayList(0)
       Dim intCurrent As Integer
       intCurrent = (0)

       If index <> -1 Then
           txtPrice.Text = CarArrayList(2)
           txtMake.Text = CarArrayList(intCurrent)
           txtYear.Text = CarArrayList(intCurrent)
           txtIntColor.Text = CarArrayList(intCurrent)
           txtExtColor.Text = CarArrayList(intCurrent)

       End If

   End Sub



  • *Experts*

I'm assumming that there are several list boxes that are using this sub and not just one.

I'm not at a VB.Net site but try this.


Public Sub FillTextBoxes(ByVal ctrl as Control)
If ctrl.SelectedIndex < 0 Then Exit Sub
txtPrice.Text = CarArrayList(2)
txtMake.Text = CarArrayList(ctrl.SelectedIndex)
End Sub


Then call the sub from the list boxes selected index changed event...

FillTextBoxes(DirectCast(sender, ListBox))


I think that should work...


Member, in good standing, of the elite fraternity of mentally challenged programmers.


Dolphins Software

  • *Experts*

Yes, it does.


I think you're going to need a series of arrays for this.


1. Car manufactures - Manufactures()

2. The manufacture's Models - GM(x, y) & Ford(x, y) etc.


where (x) are the models & years and (y) are the features.


The various paint choices can be in a csv format in a section of the array and broken out when needed.


without getting too deep into this I think that will give you an idea.


Is this close to want you are doing?

Member, in good standing, of the elite fraternity of mentally challenged programmers.


Dolphins Software

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