g_r_a_robinson Posted February 7, 2004 Posted February 7, 2004 I am using the ItemDataBound event to format some of the colours in my datagrid depending on the contents of the row, it works great. Problem is if i do a refresh i lose all the changes made by ItemDataBound which I don't want happening. Unless something new has been added to the grid I really don't want to have to re-bind my grid everytime a refresh occurs. For the most part I don't tend to add things to my grid. Is there some way of ensuring that my ItemDataBound changes can remain, maybe in viewstate or something? Quote
Moderators Robby Posted February 7, 2004 Moderators Posted February 7, 2004 Are you binding the grid on each postback? ensure that your page load event has this in it... If not IsPostBack then 'bind grid here end if Quote Visit...Bassic Software
g_r_a_robinson Posted February 19, 2004 Author Posted February 19, 2004 My problem is not a result of binding again i'm just losing the characteristics of ondatabind when i do a refresh Quote
Moderators Robby Posted February 19, 2004 Moderators Posted February 19, 2004 Post your code Quote Visit...Bassic Software
g_r_a_robinson Posted February 19, 2004 Author Posted February 19, 2004 Heres my page_load private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { String prefix = PathPrefix; NoteHeader_PNL.BackImageUrl = prefix + "/images/completeNoteHeader.gif"; Background.Attributes.Add("BackGround", prefix + "/images/background.gif"); //RowHeaderBar.Attributes.Add("RowHeaderBar", prefix + "/images/barForNotes.gif"); String defaultMode = JobAdder.DefaultNoteAdd; if (defaultMode == "normalNoteAdd") { JobAdderForTheNoteScreen_PNL.Style.Add( "display", "none" ); } if (defaultMode == "editForDefault") { JobAdderForTheNoteScreen_PNL.Style.Add( "display", "none" ); //JobAdderForTheNoteScreen_PNL.Visible = false; NoteHeader_PNL.Visible = true; JobAdder.DefaultNoteAdd = null; } if (JobAdder.Calendar_Checked_Status == true) { NoteList_LST.Visible = false; Calendar_On_Notescreen_PNL.Visible = true; } if (JobAdder.Calendar_Checked_Status == false) { NoteList_LST.Visible = true; Calendar_On_Notescreen_PNL.Visible = false; } if (IsPostBack) { } else { //Its a regular select existing job roleid = links.RoleID; if (roleid == 1) { viewMode = JobViewerForAdmin.JobViewMode; if (viewMode == "view") { DisplayNotes(); JobViewerForAdmin.JobViewMode = ""; } } else { viewMode = JobWithNoteViewer.JobViewMode; if (viewMode == "view") { DisplayNotes(); JobWithNoteViewer.JobViewMode = ""; } } } // First time around, lets populate the list boxes. if (!IsPostBack) { PopulateActionsDropDown(); } // Otherwise its a basic job add else { } } Heres my bind function private void BindNotes() { roleid = links.RoleID; if (roleid == 1) { userID = links.UserID;//JobViewerForAdmin.UsrID; jobID = (int)Session["JobID_By_Session"]; //jobID = JobViewerForAdmin.JobID; if (jobID == 0) // I put these in here for the add new job section { // that needs to return an update view //jobID = (int)ViewState["jobID"]; jobID = (int)Session["JobID_By_Session"];//JobSystem.JobIDforDefault; //JobViewerForAdmin.JobID = 0;//xyz } } else { userID = links.UserID; jobID = (int)Session["JobID_By_Session"];//JobWithNoteViewer.JobID; if (jobID == 0) { jobID = (int)Session["JobID_By_Session"];//JobSystem.JobIDforDefault; //JobWithNoteViewer.JobID = 0;//xyz } } noteSystem = new NoteSystem(); noteData = noteSystem.GetNotesByUserAndJobID(userID,jobID); // Lets get the note id's and save them in our array for later DataTable noteTable = noteData.Tables[NotesData.NOTES_TABLE]; if (NotesData.FlagUpdateNote != true) { noteIDList.Clear(); foreach (DataRow noteID in noteTable.Rows) { int noteid = Int32.Parse(noteID[NotesData.NOTES_ID_FIELD].ToString()); noteIDList.Add(noteid); IEnumerator E = arraylist.GetEnumerator(); E.MoveNext(); } } noteView = noteData.Tables[NotesData.NOTES_TABLE].DefaultView; NoteList_LST.DataSource = noteView; NoteList_LST.DataBind(); } heres my ItemDataBound event private void NoteList_LST_ItemDataBound(object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataListItemEventArgs e) { String readStatus; String bywho; //int userID = links.UserID; String tmpUserID = userID.ToString(); ListItemType lit = e.Item.ItemType; if (lit == ListItemType.Item || lit == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { readStatus = Convert.ToString(DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, NotesData.NOTE_READ_FIELD)); Button button = e.Item.FindControl("Read_Note_BTN") as Button; String Action; Action = Convert.ToString(DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, NotesData.FK_ACTION_PERFORMED_FIELD)); Button edit = e.Item.FindControl("Edit_Note_BTN") as Button; Label label = e.Item.FindControl("Total_Label") as Label; HtmlTableCell header = e.Item.FindControl("RowHeaderBar") as HtmlTableCell; HtmlTableCell header_for_system = e.Item.FindControl("RowHeaderBar_For_System") as HtmlTableCell; HtmlTableCell header_for_unread = e.Item.FindControl("RowHeaderBar_For_UnRead") as HtmlTableCell; header.Visible = false; header_for_system.Visible = false; header_for_unread.Visible = false; bywho = Convert.ToString(DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, NotesData.FK_USERID_FIELD)); if(bywho == tmpUserID) // The user that logged on created the note { if(Action != "null") // Read notes with read button removed { header.Visible = true; // blue bar VISIBLE header_for_system.Visible = false; // grey bar INVISIBLE button.Visible = false; // They don't need to have read button edit.Visible = true; // This person can edit their own note header_for_unread.Visible = false; // because they created it. if (Action == "Comment") { label.Visible = false; } } if(Action == "null") // System notes with read button removed { e.Item.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; button.Visible = false; edit.Visible = false; label.Visible = false; header.Visible = false; header_for_system.Visible = true; header_for_unread.Visible = false; } } else // This user is receiving notes that someone else created { if(Action != "null" && readStatus != "Read") // Notes that are unread { e.Item.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.IndianRed; header.Visible = false; // blue bar VISIBLE header_for_system.Visible = false; // grey bar INVISIBLE button.Visible = true; edit.Visible = false; // This person can't edit this note header_for_unread.Visible = true; // because they didn't create it if (Action == "Comment") // This removes totals for comments { // A comment is the only category label.Visible = false; // without a total } } if(Action != "null" && readStatus == "Read" ) // Read notes with read button removed { header.Visible = true; // blue bar VISIBLE header_for_system.Visible = false; // grey bar INVISIBLE button.Visible = false; edit.Visible = false; // This person can't edit this note header_for_unread.Visible = false; // because they didn't create it if (Action == "Comment") // This removes totals for comments { // A comment is the only category label.Visible = false; // without a total } } if(Action == "null" && readStatus != "Read") // System Notes that are unread { e.Item.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.IndianRed; button.Visible = true; edit.Visible = false; // Can't edit system notes label.Visible = false; header.Visible = false; header_for_system.Visible = true; header_for_unread.Visible = false; //RowHeaderBar_For_System.Visible = false; } if(Action == "null" && readStatus == "Read") // System notes with read button removed { e.Item.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; button.Visible = false; edit.Visible = false; // Can't edit system notes label.Visible = false; header.Visible = false; header_for_system.Visible = true; header_for_unread.Visible = false; } } } } heres my html I could post the whole thing but its nearly a thousand lines long. Hope this doesn't put you off!! Thanks for your help [edit]Please use tags [/cs ]: Robby[/color] [/edit] Quote
Moderators Robby Posted February 19, 2004 Moderators Posted February 19, 2004 You're not calling BindNotes() from anywhere. Quote Visit...Bassic Software
g_r_a_robinson Posted February 19, 2004 Author Posted February 19, 2004 sorry i missed this, this is invoke from the page_load: public void DisplayNotes() { if (JobAdder.DefaultNoteAdd == "normalNoteAdd") { JobAdderForTheNoteScreen_PNL.Style.Add( "display", "none" ); NoteHeader_PNL.Visible = true; JobAdder.DefaultNoteAdd = null; } else { JobAdderForTheNoteScreen_PNL.Style.Add( "display", "block" ); NoteHeader_PNL.Visible = false; //JobViewerForAdmin.JobID = 0; } BindNotes(); } Quote
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