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Hi there !


I'm totally new to VB.NET, but I works with VB6 for a few years now. So there's a lot of adjustment to do ;-)


My first question concerns the use of a single ContextMenu for differents controls. How can I retreive the name of the control that called the popup ? I tryed with the System.Object or the System.EventArgs passed as argument in the MyMenu_Click() event, but I can't make it work ?


I could declare a flag variable that would be set before the ContextMenu.Show method is called, so I can now who was the caler, but there must be an easier way ?


Thanx in advance !



Now go on, boy, and pay attention. Because if you do, someday, you may achieve something that we Simpsons have dreamed about for generations: You may outsmart someone!

--Homer Simpson

  • *Gurus*

There doesn't appear to be a way to do this using the arguments passed to the Popup event of the context menu, so I guess you'll have to set a flag.


I guess MS didn't think of people wanting to use the same context menu on different controls.


I guess on some controls, you could check their .Focused property and that might be a way to tell if the user just clicked on them.

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Ok, thanx a lot Divil !


I used the flag for a test and it works just fine, I think I'll use this solution.










Now go on, boy, and pay attention. Because if you do, someday, you may achieve something that we Simpsons have dreamed about for generations: You may outsmart someone!

--Homer Simpson

  • 7 months later...

Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I found it in searching for solutions to the same problem.


There really are instances where multiple callers to a context menu is convenient � for example, if you have a list of customer names and you want to right-click a node to perform context-sensitive operations on the data in that particular node.


The ContextMenu class has a method called "SourceControl" that identifies the control that launched the context menu. You can then use the object that SourceControl returns to respond to the appropriate caller, something like this:


txtPath.Text = DirectCast(cxtMenu.SourceControl, TreeNode).FullPath

  • 1 month later...

Question Regarding Libertarian's Method


I followed your example and must use sender.parent.sourcecontrol to get this to work. However I must turn Option Strict Off.


Is there any way to use the same context menu for multiple controls and leave option strict on?

Posted (edited)

Hi Voltface


Thanks for the help, but it still doesn't seem to work. I have to turn Option Strict Off. If I leave it on it says that It can't do late binding with option strict on.


I was using Ctype, is DirectCast better?


Oh, I did try DirectCast, but Sender.Parent is still underlined in blue with that error of last binding not allowed with option strict on.


I'm attaching the context menu to a label which is an e-mail address. If the label is right clicked, it takes the mouse click event and calls ContactEmailClickHandler.


So I've got this line in a sub after displaying the label:


AddHandler lblEmail.MouseUp, AddressOf ContactEmailClickHandler


Public Sub ContactEmailClickHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
If e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then
'Sends the email address to the email system
MessageBox.Show("You have clicked the Email " & CType(ContEmails.Item(CType(CType(sender, System.Windows.Forms.Label).Tag, Integer)).ContactEmailKey, String))
ElseIf e.Button = MouseButtons.Right Then
'Display a context menu
Dim cMenu As ContextMenu
Dim Menus(2) As MenuItem
Dim intKey As Integer

Menus(0) = New MenuItem("&New", AddressOf AddNewEmail)
Menus(1) = New MenuItem("&Edit", AddressOf EditEmail)
Menus(2) = New MenuItem("&Delete", AddressOf DeleteEmail)

cMenu = New ContextMenu(Menus)
cMenu.Show(CType(sender, Label), New Point(e.X, e.Y))

End If
End Sub

Private Sub AddNewEmail(ByVal Sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim l As Label
l = DirectCast(Sender.Parent, ContextMenu).SourceControl

'***** I STILL GET Sender.Parent underlined saying option strict must be off *****
End Sub

Edited by mhsueh001

To: divil


Hi Divil,


That doesn't work!


Sender is of type MenuItem

Sender.Parent is of type ContextMenu

Sender.Parent.SourceControl is the label that has the information that I want.


The label has the .text property which contains the e-mail address. It also has a .tag property that stores the Primary key of the SQL table.


So if

Sender = Edit, I want to be able to grab the Sender.Parent.SourceControl.Tag so I can edit the appropriate item in the email table using the primary key.

Sender = Delete, I can grab the Sender.Parent.SourceControl.Tag and delete the item using the primary key.


Maybe my coding is wrong. Like I said the only way I can get it to run is by turning Option Strict Off. Any help is much appreciated.




  • Leaders

try changing this bit slightly...

Private Sub AddNewEmail(ByVal Sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

Dim l As Label

l = DirectCast(Sender.Parent, ContextMenu).SourceControl

to something like this...

Private Sub AddNewEmail(ByVal Sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim mnu As MenuItem = DirectCast(Sender,MenuItem)

Dim l As Label = DirectCast(mnu.Parent.SourceControl,Label)

hope it helps.


Re: dynamic_sysop


Hi, that didn't exactly solve the problem either, but you got me on the right track and I got it to work! Thanks. :D


From your suggestion:

This line works, and it casts sender to a menu item.

The parent

Dim mnu As MenuItem = DirectCast(Sender,MenuItem)


However, this line has mnu.Parent.SourceControl underlined saying that SourceControl is not a member of 'System.Windows.Forms.Menu'

Dim l As Label = DirectCast(mnu.Parent.SourceControl,Label)



So for those of you referencing this thread in the future. I needed to do this and I could keep option strict on:


'This line casts as a Menu Item

Dim mnu As MenuItem = DirectCast(Sender,MenuItem)


'This casts to a Context Menu.

Dim cMnu As ContextMenu = DirectCast(mnu.Parent, ContextMenu)


'This casts to the original label!

Dim l As Label = DirectCast(cMnu.SourceControl, Label)


Thanks to all those that responded!!

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