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Hi, i am trying to find out the type of storage that the path sJournalDirectory is currently stored on. Such as local or network.


I believe the code below works fine in VB6, but i was wondering how to convert this into VB.Net. I already tried upgrading it, but to no avail.


 Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

  If fs.GetDrive(fs.GetDriveName(sJournalDirectory)).DriveType <> Fixed Then
   End If


After about half a bloody hour looking through the .Net help (why is it so bad compared to VB6 help?) i came up with:


Dim fso As FileSystemObject
           MsgBox("S: is a " + fso.GetDrive("s:").DriveType)


But it still doesnt work, and when i tie it to a buttons click event, it closes down the current screen - it doesnt drop right out.

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if you really want to use the scripting filesystem object , try this...

       Dim typeShell As Type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
       Dim objShell As Object = Activator.CreateInstance(typeShell)
       Dim drive As Object() = {"C:\"}

       Dim drivetype As Object = typeShell.InvokeMember("Drives", Reflection.BindingFlags.GetProperty, Nothing, objShell, Nothing)
       Dim item As Object = drivetype.GetType.InvokeMember("Item", Reflection.BindingFlags.GetProperty, Nothing, drivetype, drive)
       Dim typofDrive As Integer = DirectCast(item.GetType.InvokeMember("DriveType", Reflection.BindingFlags.GetProperty, Nothing, item, Nothing), Integer)

       If typofDrive = 2 Then
           MessageBox.Show("it's a hard-drive")
       ElseIf typofDrive = 3 Then
           MessageBox.Show("it's a Remote-drive")
       End If

       objShell = Nothing

although you could also try looking at the Windows Management Object ;)


dynamic_sysop, although i have test it, and your code does work perfectly - i dont understand it, so i looked on the internet and found this:


Imports System.Management

           Dim disks As New ManagementClass("Win32_LogicalDisk")
           Dim moc As ManagementObjectCollection = disks.GetInstances()
           Dim mo As ManagementObject
           For Each mo In moc
               Console.WriteLine("Disk type : {0}", mo("DriveType").ToString())
           Next mo


But it doesnt find system.management, so i would imagine its a Com i have to set a reference too. Is there an easy way of finding out which on?

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