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This post is NOT I repeat NOT directed at any individual on this or any other forum!


I am cool calm and collected, so hope this thread remains purely to incourage meaningful thought in all who read it.


I remember the days at school where I and probably others would not raise a hand in class to say "I don't understand" to avoid the ridicule the teacher and to some extent my peers would inflict on me just because to them the particular topic was easy to undestand.


I am now 40 and still this happens to me, I have no formal qualifications and yet but luck and hard work I am in a very good job writing programs for my employers and for fun that others just would not have a clue.


My problem is similar I am sure to many, I can learn something and understand it, somethime quicker somethimes slower, in order to obtain the desired goal. But and this is the thing, if I don't use it I loose it. And come the time I need to do it again, I have to learn it all over again.


A few examples:


In 1993 I taught myself C++ and the required math to enter into the program the dimensions of any box and any size battery. The program calculated how many of the given batteries would fit in the box in the most efficient way possible. Not rocket science to many, but I did it all the same. If I wanted to do the same again now, I would have to learn it all again because I have forgot how to do it.


In 1995 a turning point in my life I wrote SpaceInvaders in C++ and assembler. YES assembler! I taught myself how to write a keyboard interrupt handler to enbale faster user input response. This taught me a valuable lesson, I am not thick, I do not deserve to be ridiculed by others for not understanding things straight away. I have two brothers, one a senior system analyst the other a financial director who is a member of mensa and a rocket scientist in math. Neither have a clue how to write such programs, does that make them thick?


On another forum a user was flamed for submitting a piece of work that others deemed to be basic and simple. It turned out this user was an 8 year old. I hope the flamers felt good inside. The user in question could have done what many would do, hide away and give up to avoid being humiliated again. But no she at 8 years old stood up for herself. But sadly others do not.


There my ramblings are over, I do not want to incite a flame war, I just wanted to share these thoughts with everyone and to simple remind you all, every man woman and child on this planet are different and if help is asked for they should not be ridiculed no matter how simply the question.


nuff said:)

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But no she at 8 years old stood up for herself.

Not sure why she should have been flamed in the first place (unless I'm thinking of something else)... it is always better to give positive critique instead of negative critique (that bothers me) which so many seem to love to do (unfortunately). :)

(Along with those aggravating 'cutesy' little titles)

Iceplug, USN

One of my coworkers thinks that I believe that drawing bullets is the most efficient way of drawing bullets. Whatever!!! :-(




Not sure why she should have been flamed in the first place

It was unknown to them that she was 8 years old, only that she was a newbie!

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Posted (edited)

I was wondering why they flamed for submitting some simple code... it seems like if the code was too simple, then they would just ignore it... but I guess that's not the point of the discussion. :-\ :)


P.S. How does one learn rocket science from math?

Edited by Iceplug

Iceplug, USN

One of my coworkers thinks that I believe that drawing bullets is the most efficient way of drawing bullets. Whatever!!! :-(


Being a simple country fellow, I grew up being taught if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. I also heard the saying many times that the children of today are the future of tomorrow.


The spirit of any community forum is to seek aid and share knowledge without the passing of judgement on how smart the poster is or isn't. After all, the person you help out today may be able to help you out next week when you are just as lost as they were before you came along.


Speaking for myself, the reward of assisting others who want to learn is far greater than feeding any feeling of superiority on my part. Not one person knows everything there is to know in this world. What I don't know I ask, what I know I share. Here in this forum I tend to ask more than I share simply because I am completely new to .NET. Other forums that I participate in, I have hundreds of posts, all assisting others at varying levels of knowledge. So don't tire of me too soon as I plan on being around awhile here. :)

Ira Richard Smith


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