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I have arrays with the following characteritics:

The number of arrays is varying depending on the values, that an users enters on a form.

The length of each array is also different each time they are created.


I need a recombination of all values saved in these arrays, which would mean....


Example: If there are 3 Arrays with the length of 4 Values, 3 Values and 1 Value, I need to generate the following code:


FOR array1=1 To 4
FOR array2=1 To 3
FOR array3=1 To 1

As a result I need the following.

Array1 has values: 1, 11, 111, 1111
Array2 has values: 2, 22, 222
Array3 has values: 3

At the end I need all the values above recombined in single lines in a text file like that:
3; 2; 1
3; 22; 1
3; 222; 1
3; 2; 111
3; 22; 111
3; 222; 111

there any METHOD that builds/writes VB code?


I thought of the following solution:

Generating the VB code as Text and write it to a file. Then include this file at the appropriate place in my programm. But here I cannot find the include method. Would anyone know, what is a syntax for an "INCLUDE"-Method?


Second solution: Any idea about the recursion?


Thank you everybody in advance!!!


Some guys asked me to post the results, if I would solve the problem. Sine the previous post was closed by administrator because of a fight with an American, I posted the problem and the answer once more.


Here is the code for my N to M Array permutation.

Sorry for no comments in the code, I was in the harry. If someone has got questions just write.

CardValueArray is defined somewhere esle and is a structure array, wich contains arrays of different length with values I would like a permutation on.


Any comments are appreciated!!!


Public Sub Permutation()
       Dim Counter, InnerCounter, LeftBound, SetBackLoop, ControlSum, ArrayUpperBound, GreenLight, Move, Zeroing, CheckNextNonMaxPos, LeftBoundZeroing As Integer

       Dim PermutationVar As String
       Dim CounterPosition(), MaxPosition() As Integer
       ArrayUpperBound = CardValueArray.GetUpperBound(0) - 1

       ReDim CounterPosition(ArrayUpperBound)
       ReDim MaxPosition(ArrayUpperBound)

       'Setting the boundaries for the Counters and the initial Counter values
       For Counter = 0 To ArrayUpperBound
           MaxPosition(Counter) = CardValueArray(Counter + 1).Value.GetUpperBound(0) - 1
           CounterPosition(Counter) = 0

       GreenLight = 1
       LeftBound = 0

       Do While (GreenLight = 1)
           Move = 1

           'Writing a Permutation
           For Counter = 0 To ArrayUpperBound
               PermutationVar = PermutationVar & Convert.ToString(CardValueArray(Counter + 1).Value(CounterPosition(Counter))) & ";"
           PermutationVar = ""

           'Moving the Counters
           If (CounterPosition(0) = MaxPosition(0)) Then
               LeftBoundZeroing = 1
               For Counter = 0 To ArrayUpperBound
                   ControlSum = MaxPosition(Counter) - CounterPosition(Counter)
                   If (ControlSum <> 0 And LeftBoundZeroing = 1) Then
                       LeftBound = Counter
                       LeftBoundZeroing = 0
                       ControlSum = 0
                       For InnerCounter = 0 To ArrayUpperBound
                           ControlSum = ControlSum + (MaxPosition(InnerCounter) - CounterPosition(InnerCounter))
                       If (ControlSum = 0) Then
                           Exit Do
                       End If
                   End If
           End If
           Zeroing = 1
           For Counter = ArrayUpperBound To LeftBound Step -1
               If (CounterPosition(Counter) = MaxPosition(Counter) And Zeroing = 1) Then
                   ControlSum = 0
                   For InnerCounter = Counter To ArrayUpperBound
                       ControlSum = ControlSum + (MaxPosition(InnerCounter) - CounterPosition(InnerCounter))
                   If (ControlSum = 0) Then

                       For InnerCounter = ArrayUpperBound To LeftBound Step -1

                           CheckNextNonMaxPos = MaxPosition(InnerCounter) - CounterPosition(InnerCounter)

                           If (CheckNextNonMaxPos <> 0 And Zeroing = 1) Then
                               CounterPosition(InnerCounter) = CounterPosition(InnerCounter) + 1
                               For SetBackLoop = (InnerCounter + 1) To ArrayUpperBound
                                   CounterPosition(SetBackLoop) = 0
                               Move = 0
                               Zeroing = 0
                           End If
                   End If
               End If
           If (Move = 1) Then
               CounterPosition(ArrayUpperBound) = CounterPosition(ArrayUpperBound) + 1
           End If


   End Sub

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