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           Dim txtNew As TextBox = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
           txtNew.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(25 + f, 248)
           txtNew.MaxLength = 1
           txtNew.Name = "txt" & letter
           txtNew.ReadOnly = True
           txtNew.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(16, 20)
           txtNew.Text = letter
           txtNew.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center



This is a sample of my code, its from a little game. You have to guess a word, everytime when u input a wrong letter, its dynamicly generates a txtbox with the wrong letter. Now when u guessed the word or it's game over the dynamicly generated textboxes need to be cleared/unloaded. Not just empty but invisible, so you can start another game.

Can somebody help me with it.

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You can iterate the controls..

       Dim c As Control
       For Each c In Me.Controls
           If TypeOf c Is TextBox Then
           End If


I suggest placing the textboxes in a Panel so you can simply loop it instead the entire form.

       For Each c In Panel1.Controls

Visit...Bassic Software

tnx, alot for replying.

I used this for a solution.


               Static n
               Dim s As Integer
               n = Controls.GetChildIndex(txtNew)
               For s = 0 To 9
                   Controls.RemoveAt(n - s)
               Next s


But i need to use you're solution in the future because this time i knew s = 0 to 9, and next time it might be variable.

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