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I have the following problem.When i disable my datalist eg datalist.enabled = false. Controls in the item template does not disable for example the dropdownlist. Buttons still post back to the server even if they are grayed out.Is there a way to fix this.What i have done is loop through each control in the datalist disabeling it but it takes a long time.
Programmers are trying to create bigger and beter idiot proof programs.The universe is trying to create bigger and beter idiots and so far the universe is winning.
I tried doing it. It Disables textboxes and labels. However dropdownlists can still be accesed and buttons can be clicked even if they are grayed out.
Programmers are trying to create bigger and beter idiot proof programs.The universe is trying to create bigger and beter idiots and so far the universe is winning.

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