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Is there a way (I guess through JavaScript? or ASP.NET) to redirect a user to their own home page that is set in their browser, like when they click the Home icon on their toolbar?

I found a solution. I'll post it for the benefit of anyone searching these forums:


   Response.write("<script language=" & Chr(34) & "JavaScript" & Chr(34) & ">" & Chr(13))
   Response.write("<!--" & Chr(13) & "if (document.layers) {" & Chr(13))
   Response.write("    window.home();" & Chr(13) & "} else {" & Chr(13))
   Response.write("    window.location.href=" & Chr(34) & "about:home" & Chr(34) & ";" & Chr(13))
   Response.write("}" & Chr(13) & "//-->" & Chr(13) & "</script>" & Chr(13))

Because I really don't know what I am doing yet! :) Also, I thought that ASP.NET won't handle straight JavaScript when it serves up the resulting ASP.NET page in HTML format, so it must be written with Response.Write. Am I wrong?

Oh I see. The response.write will work, but it would definetly look cleaner if you just added this code to the body of your html. You see this is Client side Javascript, so ASP.NET doesn't even really process it, the browser does. All the response.write is add it to the HTML stream so that the browser gets it. If you view the source you'll see it sitting there (and it should look the same as what I below unless I made a typo)


   <script language="JavaScript">
       if (document.layers) {
       } else {
           window.location.href="about :home";

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