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Hi fellas...

Anyone knows how to use the AnimateWindow Api call for a windows form? Please remember that calling it is NOT the problem. The problem is forcing the form to draw its child controls during execution of AnimateWindow. These child controls are not shown because form is not visible. After running AnimateWindow you can set the form's Visible property to true, This will make them Visible too, but too late. Don't you think?



Public Const AW_BLEND As Integer = &H80000 
Public Declare Auto Function AnimateWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByVal dwTime As Integer, ByVal dwFlags As Integer) As Integer 

Private Sub SomeSub 
   dim myForm as System.Windows.Forms.Form 

   myForm.Controls.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.Textbox()) 
   Me.AnimateWindow(myForm.Handle.ToInt32, 400, AW_BLEND) 
   myForm.Visible = True 
End Sub 


Thanks in advance.

  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)
doesn't the name say it? it jus aniamtes teh window with blend' date=' slide, and some other effects...[/quote']


Ahh, and I thought it was some kinda rare mushroom with special propperties to cure cancer...

Edited by EFileTahi-A

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