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I have been trying to debug my code to do two things and I need help with it while I am just starting out with vb.net


My code below is pretty straight forward, I would like to see by what means I could add code to see if an existing instance of the program I want to bring active exists. If it does exist then it would be activated with focus. If there isn't an instance of it open then a msgbox would pop up with a warning notice to open the needed program or file and retry again.


**Would AppActivate or something like

Shell ("notepad", vbNormalFocus) be better to use?



Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


AppActivate ("Document - Wordpad")


Dim blog = TextBox1.Text




End Sub


Thanking the ones that reply in advance

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