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Hi, I use the following code to navigate to a certain website


obIE(i) = New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer()


obIE(i).Visible = True


Now I want to read the text from the page. I know about innertext which works fine unless there is a frame on the page. How can I read the text from a certain frame?

  • Leaders

the best i could come up with after a bit of messing is this, hope it helps...

       If Not doc Is Nothing Then
           Dim x As Integer = 0
           Dim frm As mshtml.HTMLWindow2Class
           For x = 0 To doc.frames.length - 1
               frm = DirectCast(doc.frames.item(x), mshtml.HTMLWindow2Class)
       End If

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)



I use also the SHDocVw.InternetExplorer() in my ASP.NET (C#) applikation, and want to get the mshtml.FramesCollection, but I get every time an exception. The value of the InternetExplorer.Document.frames is: <error: an exception of type: {System.InvalidCastException} occurred>




InternetExplorerClass mIE = new InternetExplorerClass();

mIE.Visible = true;


mIE.Navigate2(ref objURL, ref a, ref a, ref a, ref a);


// DocumentComplete

if(URL.ToString().Equals(url)) {


mshtml.IHTMLDocument2 doc = (mshtml.IHTMLDocument2) mIE.Document;





This are the tag�s of my Frameset:


<frameset cols="*,*">

<frame name="left" src="WebForm1.aspx">

<frame name="right" src="WebForm2.aspx">




I don't know why I get the error?

Edited by jimmknopf
  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

Access the the InternetExplorer.Document at the right time and from the right thread




After spending the whole day on it I have found a solution.




You have to read InternetExplorer.Document from the main thread. Please note the use of STAThread. Read more about it here:



In the example below I know that there are three frames and I want to be sure that they are all loaded before I access them (This is another problem you have to avoid...)





using System;


namespace ConsoleApplication7


/// <summary>

/// Summary description for Class1.

/// </summary>

using System;

using mshtml;

using SHDocVw;

using System.Collections;

using System.Threading;


namespace ConsoleApplication1


class Class1


static InternetExplorer ie = null;



static void Main(string[] args)


Class1 class1 = new Class1();





AutoResetEvent firstDocumentCompleted;

AutoResetEvent lastDocumentCompleted;

int completedDocuments;

int expectedDocuments;


public void Test()


Console.WriteLine("Starting:" + Thread.CurrentThread.ApartmentState.ToString());


ie = new SHDocVw.InternetExplorer();

ie.DocumentComplete += new DWebBrowserEvents2_DocumentCompleteEventHandler(DocumentComplete);

ie.Visible = true;

firstDocumentCompleted = new AutoResetEvent(false);

lastDocumentCompleted = new AutoResetEvent(false);



completedDocuments = 0;

expectedDocuments = 4;

object o = null;

ie.Navigate("http://www.htmq.com/html/sample/frame.htm", ref o, ref o, ref o, ref o);

firstDocumentCompleted.WaitOne(30000, false);


IHTMLDocument2 document = (IHTMLDocument2)ie.Document;

lastDocumentCompleted.WaitOne(30000, false);


IHTMLFramesCollection2 frames = (IHTMLFramesCollection2)document.frames;

for (int index = 0; index < frames.length; index++)


object i = index;

frames.item(ref i);


IHTMLWindow2 window = (IHTMLWindow2)frames.item(ref i);

IHTMLDocument2 frameDocument = (IHTMLDocument2)window.document;








public void DocumentComplete(object pDisp, ref object URL)


Console.WriteLine("DocumentComplete:" + Thread.CurrentThread.ApartmentState.ToString());

int i = Interlocked.Increment(ref completedDocuments);


if (i == 1)





if (i == expectedDocuments)










Edited by rede

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