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i'm trying to run this query,


select id from tblClientID where city = 'San Francisco' and city = 'San Jose'



if i have an id that can have several cities, shouldn't it display the id? my query returns nothing.


i.e., id 5 can have city san francisco and san jose and id 4 can only have san jose. what i want to do is if san francisco and san jose is chosen, that it will only return id 5. i don't want to use 'OR' because it will return both 4 and 5.


what am i doing wrong? if this isn't possible, how do i fix it?


i'm using MS Access.

From your statment. You have a city field in your table. This table conatins 1 city for each client, so what PlausiblyDamp is saying is that is only 1 city, not both. If you want a client to have many cities, then you have to separate out the city field into its own table then join on the client ID.



CompanyName varchar(100)



ClientID int

City varchar(100)


SELECT clients.companyname

FROM client_cities INNER JOIN

clients ON client_cities.clientid = clients.clientid INNER JOIN

client_cities client_cities_1 ON clients.clientid = client_cities_1.clientid

WHERE (client_cities.city = 'San Francisco') AND (client_cities_1.city = 'San Jose')

Will be easier if we know the structure of the table(s) involved, also if there is more than 1 table, the query by kahlua001 is ok too, but can be made in ANSI SQL to have more camptibility with other databases like SQL Server, Oracle, etc.
Fat kids are harder to kidnap

I'm using MS Access.


Here's an example of what i've been working on.


cityTable - Table name

cityID as Number (Primary Key)

cityName as Text



clientID as Number (Primary Key)

clientName as Text



clientID as number

ctyID as number



ClientCityTable can have several of the same clients listed but with different cityIDs.


i thought i kept this fairly simple, but perhaps i have it wrong.

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