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Hi, i've been browsing around and I found the following code someone else wrote



Dim ITEM As Object

Dim obIE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer

Dim obDC As mshtml.HTMLDocument


obIE = New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer()


obIE.Visible = True

While obIE.Busy : Application.DoEvents() : End While


obDC = obIE.Document

Do Until obDC.readyState = "complete"




For Each ITEM In obDC.all.tags("input")

'Fill in the username textbox

If ITEM.Name = "username" Then ITEM.Value = "username"

'Fill in the password textbox

If ITEM.Name = "password" Then ITEM.Value = "password"



'Check the remember me checkbox if you wish


'Click on Sign in


While obIE.Busy : Application.DoEvents() : End While



but how can i get the source code of that window???

  • *Experts*

If you're using a .NET language, you should really be using the

WebClient class to post forms and download data.


But, if you insist, the source code for the WebBrowser control can

be obtained through obDC.documentElement.innerHTML

"Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up

These are the best days of our lives"

-The Ataris, In This Diary

  • *Experts*

Sure. To "log in", you post to the form using the [mshelp=ms-help://MS.MSDNQTR.2003FEB.1033/cpref/html/frlrfsystemnetwebclientclassuploadvaluestopic.htm]UploadValues[/mshelp]

method. There's an example following that link.

"Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up

These are the best days of our lives"

-The Ataris, In This Diary


ah...sorry again...I tried the code but for some reason it tells me that my username and password are incorrect. I tried loging in and it works fine


Dim uriString As String = SelectURL(2, 4)

Dim myWebClient As New WebClient()

Dim myNameValueCollection As New System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection()

Dim name As String = "username"

Dim password As String = "password"


myNameValueCollection.Add("username", name)

myNameValueCollection.Add("password", password)

Dim responseArray As Byte() = _

myWebClient.UploadValues(uriString, "POST", myNameValueCollection)



I probably dont fully understand how to use this. There are 2 text fields on the site. one called username and other called password. There are also 2 checkboxes and a submit button. please help

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