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In an xml file plus schema I have an entry set as type integer.


However the only way I can get the sorting to work correctly when using dataview is to whack a load of leading zeros in front of the number?


Any ideas?

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Can you verify that the DataSet itself thinks the value is an int? You can check the datatype of a column once your DataSet is loaded.


Maybe you're not reading in the file with the schema? In the ReadXml method (if that's what you're using), there's a second param that specifies how to treat the schema (read, infer, etc.).



"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center." - Kurt Vonnegut

Hi, the datatype is String?


I know the xsd file is being read as when I make a change to the xml file not contained in the xsd if throws an error which I would expect it to do.


Here's the code snippet;


' read in xml file

objXTReader = New XmlTextReader(strXMLFilePath)

' parse xml thro validator

objXValReader = New XmlValidatingReader(objXTReader)

' add to schema collection

xscCollection.Add("http://tempuri.org/HighScores.xsd", strXSDFilePath)

' set handler of validation event handler to our sub

AddHandler objXValReader.ValidationEventHandler, AddressOf ValidationCallBack

' add scheam collection to validation reader


' load xml file into dataset validate on the way


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OK I either get an exception or no change depending on which second param I use. I cannot get it to read the second column in as an integer even tho the schema states that it is?
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Still stuck with this? I'll go a little deeper with the setup.


I create an xml file and use the IDE create schema option which sets the score field to being a string rather than integer?


I change the type setting in the schema to be xs:integer


When I load the dataset thru an xmlreader thru and xmlvalidator it works ok. If I make an illegal change to the xml file and load again it errors stating it is illegal so I know that when it is being read into the dataset it is getting validated.


However it still thinks the score field is a string?


If I try your suggestion Nerseus I get errors on some or no change on others? From reading more on the readxml method I understand the second param is to be used on inline schema not an external xsd file?


So I'm completely stuck? I can't get the dataset to load the xml file as two columns, one string and one integer. It keeps loading them as two string fileds?


So I am forced to pad the score field in the xml file out with leading zeros to get the sort to work right??


Anyone....pls help :(

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OK, so here I am with a work around that has fixed the problem, but altho it works it still seems OTT for what is needed.


I created a dataset class using the schema and then created a global object of this. I load my xml into this object and it all works fine.


So problem solved, but I think this is messy tho:)

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