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I'm having some trouble trying to connect with an MDB (MS Access) File that have password...

If I remove the password from the file everything works fine...


It throws this exeption:

System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Não é possível iniciar a aplicação. Falta o ficheiro de informações do grupo de trabalho ou está aberta no modo exclusivo por outro utilizador.
  at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.ProcessResults(Int32 hr)
  at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.InitializeProvider()
  at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.Open()
  at BizTools.AccountEngine...

The text it's in Portuguese but it says that it can't start the application and that it is missing the "workgroup informations file or it0s openet in exclusive mode by another user".


The connectionString it's the following...

conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source= " & _
                               "C:\Projectos NET\Projecto BizTools\BizTools\ContabTESTE.mdb" & _

Anyone knows what is this all about?



Thanks in advance!



Alex :D

Software bugs are impossible to detect by anybody except the end user.

From the connection string, I can tell that you have User ID missing.


"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=C:\AddToLeads\NewData.mdb; " _
"User ID=<user name>; Password=<password>;"


If the database has a Database Password I think you need to do the following


conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source= " & _
                               "C:\Projectos NET\Projecto BizTools\BizTools\ContabTESTE.mdb" & _
                               ";Jet OLEDB:database Password=blocoscont;"

  • *Gurus*

This has nothing to do with a bad connection string. Microsoft Access is erroring because it can not locate a workgroup file, that in all reality, it does not need to find. This is why Access is a poor choice for any database project. Bad architecture...


I'll try to find a reference to fixing this problem, AlexCode. I've encountered it myself when I used to use Access.


I thank you all...


The response was pendragon one...

I finally found it wondering around google!


Thank you very much...


Derek Stone:

MS Access can be better than SQL Server, they're 2 DB applications that are ment to be used in diferent environments.

Personally I use both with excelent results.

We just have to know the limits of the technologies and the needs of our application to better choose witch one to use.


This is not just myself talking, its Microsoft way of thinking, told to me while I was taking MCDBA...



Thank you all again...



Alex :D

Software bugs are impossible to detect by anybody except the end user.

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