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I looked at the article from the ASP Kick Start "Displaying Rows Grouped by Category", but I am new to .net and can't make the connection for my duplicates in a datagrid. When I add a template column, the code is different than is demostrated in the example.


I am using a stored procedure to select Customers; Customers, Phone numbers and PhoneTypes(fax, Cell, Office) are stored in separate tables. I DON'T want the data displayed in a list, it needs to be displayed in a row. EX:


Customer Fax_Number Cell_Number Office_Number

Cust1 111-111-1111 222-222-2222 333-333-3333


As it is set up now when I run the search for customer I get


Customer Phontype Phone Number

Cust1 fax 111-111-1111

Cust1 Office 222-222-2222

Cust1 Cell 333-333-3333







FROM Customers INNER JOIN FAX ON Customers.CustomerID =

Fax.CustomerID INNER JOIN Cell ON Customers.CustomeriD =

Cell.CustomerID Inner JOIN Office ON Customers.CustomerID = Office.CustomerID


Or something like that...


My SQL statement


My select statement is


Select Customer from Customers As C

Join CustomerPhone As CP on C.CustID = CP.Cust ID

Join Phone AS P on CP.CustID = P.CustID

Join PhoneTypes As PT on P.PhoneTypeID = PT.PhoneTypeID


CustID = @CustID


This will select the customer from the customer table, the numbers

from the PhoneNumbers table and the type of number (fax, Business, Cell) from the PhoneTypes table.


Try joining the Phone table 3 times onto the Customer table, pick the appropriate join depending on if you know that number will exist for each customer. Untested exampe..




Phone1.Number As OFFICE,

Phone2.Number As CELL

FROM Customers INNER JOIN Phone Phone1 ON

Customers.CustID = Phone1.CustID INNER JOIN Phone Phone2 ON Customers.CustID = Phone2.CustID


Phone1.PhoneTYpe = 'OFFICE'


Phone2.PhoneType = 'CELL'



Not sure if that will work without playing around with it some more, but you can give it a try.

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