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Has anyone got a function to add a number to an ip address? I want it to cope with once it reaches 254 to increment the previous octet also?!?
Posted (edited)

This is soooo going to be used for a hack attack :)


Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

       Dim strNext As String = ""
       Dim intIndex As Integer

       For intIndex = 0 To 100000
           strNext = funcNextIPAddy(strNext)

   End Sub

   Private Function funcNextIPAddy(ByVal strIPAddy) As String

       Dim intIndex As Integer
       Dim intRev As Integer
       Dim strSplit() As String = Split(strIPAddy, ".")
       Dim bytIP(3) As Byte
       'Just to make sure it works
       ReDim Preserve strSplit(3)
       Dim bAdded As Boolean = False

       For intIndex = 3 To 0 Step -1
           bytIP(intIndex) = funcFixByte(strSplit(intIndex))
           If bAdded = False Then
               If bytIP(intIndex) < 255 Then
                   bytIP(intIndex) += 1
                   bAdded = True
                   For intRev = intIndex + 1 To 3
                       bytIP(intRev) = 0
               End If
           End If

       Return CStr(bytIP(0)) & "." & CStr(bytIP(1)) & "." & CStr(bytIP(2)) & "." & CStr(bytIP(3))

   End Function

   Private Function funcFixByte(ByVal Data As String) As Byte
       Dim intVal As Integer = Val(Data)
       If intVal < 0 Then intVal = 0
       If intVal > 255 Then intVal = 255
       Return CByte(intVal)
   End Function

Edited by PlausiblyDamp
Posted (edited)

you're gonna need to modify to reduce the # of ips produced.

string[] GenerateIps()
ArrayList ips = new ArrayList();
string a=null,b=null,c=null,d=null;
for(int intA = 1; intA < 255; intA++)
	a = intA.ToString(); 
	for(int intB = 0; intB < 255; intB++)
		b = intB.ToString();
		for(int intC = 0; intC < 255; intC++)
			c = intC.ToString();
			for(int intD = 0; intD < 255; intD++)
				d = intD.ToString();
				ips.Add(a + "." + b + "." + c + "." + d);
			ips.Add(a + "." + b + "." + c + "." + d);
		ips.Add(a + "." + b + "." + c + "." + d);
	ips.Add(a + "." + b + "." + c + "." + d);
return (string[]) ips.ToArray(typeof(string));


This is soooo going to be used for a hack attack :)


More like, try to use. Anyway, if someone trying to hack and is asking a question like this, I highly doubt s/he will be able to go very far with their project (assuming it's being used for a hack).

Edited by PlausiblyDamp

No seriously, its not going to be used for hacking, I work for an isp and we have huge issues with our customers being open for relay, so this app just checks for that! I could have plumbed in our ip ranges but is seems to do the trick!


Thanks guys!

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