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Posted (edited)

I am having trouble adding a record to a dataset. I get an error that the Title already exists.

Please Help!


Here is the code:

  Private Sub SaveButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveButton.Click
       'declare a new row in the table         Dim newRow As DataRow = CDDataSet.CD_Collection.NewRow

       'Change button text for add or cancel
       'put current record number in a variable
       If AddButton.Text = "&Cancel" Then
           AddButton.Text = "&Add"
           'BindingContext(CDDataSet, "CD Collection").Position = intCurRecNum
           If mblnAdding = "True" Then
                   'add a new row to the dataset
                    newRow("Artist/Group") = ArtistTextbox.Text
                   newRow("CD Title") = TitleTextbox.Text
                   newRow("Year") = Val(YearTextbox.Text)
                   newRow("Label") = LabelTextbox.Text
                   newRow("Category") = CategoryTextbox.Text
               Catch ex As Exception
                   MessageBox.Show("Unable to add record", "CD Collection")
               End Try
               mblnAdding = "False"
               RecCountLabel.Text = "Record Added at end of table"
           End If
           SaveButton.Enabled = "False"
           EditButton.Enabled = "True"
           DelButton.Enabled = "True"
   'intCurRecNum = BindingContext(CDDataSet, "CD Collection").Position
           mblnAdding = "True"

           AddButton.Text = "&Cancel"

   'reset enable for buttons
           EditButton.Enabled = "False"
           DelButton.Enabled = "False"
           SaveButton.Enabled = "True"
       End If
   End Sub

Edited by Robby

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