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Posted (edited)

I hope I am in the right forum


I have a cd collection program that has a datagrid that I have filters on it such as sort by title or artist and I have one that is sort(filter) by Year. I am using an input box to get the users request every filter except the year is working - I can't get it to filter -

can someone help?

Dim strSQL, strYear As String
       strYear = InputBox("Please enter a year to search" & vbNewLine & "Example: 1995")
       strSQL = "select CdArtist,CdTitle, CdYear,CdKey,CdCategory from Cds where CdYear between 1975 and 1995 " 'Here is the problem- what do I put in place of 1975 and 1995?
       OleDbSelectCommand1.CommandText = strSQL





Edited by PlausiblyDamp
What is the problem, the code you put isnot filtering or you want to know what to put in the where clause of the SQL statement ?
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today
Posted (edited)

When I put in the InputBox something like 1989 - 1992 which should only give me those dates.. I get ALL dates no sorting filtering of any kind

here is a filter that works


Private Sub mnuByTitle_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuByTitle.Click
       Dim strTitle As String, strSQL As String
       strTitle = InputBox("Please enter a title to search")
       strSQL = "select CdArtist,CdTitle, CdYear,CdKey,CdCategory from Cds where CdTitle like '" & strTitle & "%'"
       OleDbSelectCommand1.CommandText = strSQL
   End Sub



Edited by PlausiblyDamp

Ah ok now I get it,


So you are inputting for ex 1982 - 1990


If this is the case then you need to fix the string strYear before using it in SQL.


Try this

Dim strSQL, strYear As String
       strYear = InputBox("Please enter a year to search" & vbNewLine & "Example: 1995")

stryear = stryear.Replace(" ","") 'removes the spaces from the input
Dim ArrYear() as String = stryear.Split("-"c) ' this would divide the string based on the - so you will have two resulting strings (which are the two years inputted by the user)
'Now ArrYear(0) contains the first year
'ArrYear(1) contains the second year
strSQL = "select CdArtist,CdTitle, CdYear,CdKey,CdCategory from Cds where CdYear between " ArrYear(0) & " and " ArrYear(1)        

OleDbSelectCommand1.CommandText = strSQL



Hope this helps,

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today

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