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Ok, is it possible to set a command button to throw up a save function and automatically create a file name?


For instance if i am saving all of my files in a folder where the files start with the name "03-NC1000 ABCCO" and the next job is saved as "03-NC1001 CDECO".


I would like to pull the 03 as the year, NC as the state generating the quote (NC,FL,TX, etc.) 1000,1001 (here is the sequential part) and ABCCO as the company name i am quoting.


The estimator will enter the State and Company name. I would like for excel to calc the rest.


I would like to have a command button to execute a save function and automatically save the file.



I am sure that this is simpler than i think, but i am having a hard time figuring it out.


If anyone is willing to help me, i would be most grateful.






Dear You just need to create a Save Functions which takes a filename as input parameter and process the save functionality there


private bool SaveFile (string FileName)
//Your code here


you just need to write code on Click Event of command button to create a file name


You also need to have some option buttons from where you should determine which company's filename is saved. this can be done using DB or some other option.


i hope you will understand C# code


string strFileName,strComanyName,strNumber;

strCompanyName = "GetCompanyName"
strNumber = //Some Number from TextBox , 
strFileName = DateTime.Today.Year.Tostring() + "-CompanyName-" + strNumber


I hope this will solve problem

The one and only

Dr. Madz


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