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I have a simple Windows Form with several TextBoxes and Two buttons.

In the Load event, I change dynamically the text of the buttons and the caption text (depending of the user language)

To do that, I get an XML file and I retreieve the correct values.


For an unknown reason, my buttons are not painted (totally transparent) until I move to the next field.

I use the exactly the same technique for several different forms that are painted correctly.

No SuspendLayout or stuff like that...


So at the end of the form, I do a myButton1.Refresh and it is ok but it is really wierd.


Does someone has seen that ?

Any idea ?



here is a bitmap to show the result.

No buttons : after the load, as the forms is shown

With buttons : after a refresh (here I have minimized the form and restored it)


For the code, I just do somthing like that :

 Private Sub myBase_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
end sub

 Private Sub DisplayLabels()
'Get the XML string containing the labels
   Dim myLabelString As String = GetLabelsForContext("WIZARD"))
'labelExplorer is a Wrapper for navigating more easily in the XML,
'getting a PathNavigator, and exposing properties to get attribute from the XML
   Dim myLabelExplorer As New LabelExplorer(myLabelString)
   With myLabelExplorer
     While .MoveNext
       Select Case .TXT_CODE
          Case "txt0698" : DisplayLabel(btnCancel, .VALUE, .TOOLTIP, .HELP)
          Case "txt0699" : DisplayLabel(btnFinish, .VALUE, .TOOLTIP, .HELP)
'Do the same for other controls
       End Select
     End While
   End With
 End Sub

 Public Sub DisplayLabel(ByVal myControl As Control, ByVal value As String, _
                         ByVal tooltip As String, ByVal help As String)
   If Not myControl Is Nothing Then
     myControl.Text = value
     If Not tooltip Is Nothing Then
       ToolTip1.SetToolTip(myControl, tooltip)
     End If
     If Not help Is Nothing Then
       HelpProvider1.SetHelpString(myControl, help)
     End If
   End If
 End Sub


Btw, I use that kind of code for some other forms without any problem.



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