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Hello again all

If I have asked this question already - I am sorry I can't remember if I did or not


I would like to add a "search/find artist" (file in the array) to my CD Collection program- I am not sure even where to start - some sort of .Subtring? That's all my brain can come up with. Maybe a boolean type thing? I don't know- Can anyone give me any ideas?


All I have so far of course is:

Public Function FindArtist() As Integer





Whether you have an array or an arraylist for your artists..


I am assuming you have an array of strings


Public Function FindArtist(Byval SearchCriteria as String) as integer

Return YourArray.IndexOf(SearchCriteria)

End Function


This would return the index of the object you are looking for, -1 if it doesnot exist.


Hope this helps,

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today

Yes it does help thanks

my array loos like this

Public Sub LoadCDArray()

       Dim intCdCount As Integer

       'Read file into array
       Do Until EOF(gintCdFileNum)
           If intCdCount + 1 = Int(intCdCount + 1) Then
               ReDim Preserve CdArray(intCdCount + 1)

           End If

           ' Load the data in a loop with fields

           Input(gintCdFileNum, CdArray(intCdCount).strArtist)
           Input(gintCdFileNum, CdArray(intCdCount).strTitle)
           Input(gintCdFileNum, CdArray(intCdCount).strYear)
           Input(gintCdFileNum, CdArray(intCdCount).strCategory)

           intCdCount += 1
       ReDim Preserve CdArray(intCdCount - 1)

   End Sub


I aske d a frien about the first line in the Find func - he said soemthing about the params being - byval ... and byref ....


what would be the SearchCriteria? "," ?



Search Criteria is the parameter you are passing. It depends on what you want to search for (or actually what is stored in your array), ArtistName for example...
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today


Been working on this Find/Search for a while....


I feel like I am closer but then again..


CAN someone help?

   Public Function FindArtist(ByVal strArtistToFind As String, ByRef intCurrent As Integer) As Integer

       Dim strFindWhat As Boolean
       Dim intSearch As Integer
       intSearch = intCurrent
       strFindWhat = False
       Do Until strFindWhat = True
           If CdArray(intSearch).strArtist Then
               strFindWhat = True

           End If

           MsgBox("The data you are searching for does not exist")


I know its rough but thsi searching thing is hard




Well if you are using an array of a class defined by you, then i doubt you can use the find method, try this

Public Function FindArtist(ByVal strArtistToFind As String) As Integer

Dim i as integer
'loop through the array
For i = 0 to cdArray.Length - 1
     If cdArray(i).strArtist = strArtistToFind Then
            'we found the artist, return his index
            Return i
     End If

'once this code is executed we know we didnot find an artist(if we had found one we would have returned above)
Return -1

End Function


Check if the returned index is -1 then give the user a message or something.


Hope this helps,

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today

Thank you Mehyar

When I call the function in the Form I have an error that says

"Argument not specified for parameter strArtistToFind"


I had that before and it is reffering to the (ByVal strArtistToFind As String) (?)




How are you calling the Function ?


You should have the parameter you want to search for specified..


Dim ArtistIndex as Integer = FindArtist("JohnLennon")

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today

Private Sub mnuActionFind_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuActionFind.Click




End Sub


If I dim ArtistIndex as int = findArtist("jonh lennon")

How does that give the user a way to put in the search?


why is this confusing to me?


Ok, in your form you shoud have sort of a text box for the user to enter the artist he wants to search for.


Then the index would be Dim i as integer = findArtist(txtArtist.Text)

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today

I have tried every combination of this and I am still getting the parameter error


Public Function FindArtist(ByVal strArtistToFind As String) As Integer
       Dim ArtistIndex As Integer = FindArtist(txtArtist.Text)
       Dim i As Integer
       'loop through the array
       For i = 0 To CdArray.Length - 1
           If CdArray(ArtistIndex).strArtist = strArtistToFind Then
               'we found the artist, return this index
               Return i
           End If

       'once this code is executed we know we didn't find an artist
       Return -1

   End Function
End Class


Rob ;-(


This should be your function

Public Function FindArtist(ByVal strArtistToFind As String) As Integer
        Dim i As Integer
       'loop through the array
       For i = 0 To CdArray.Length - 1
           If CdArray(ArtistIndex).strArtist = strArtistToFind Then
               'we found the artist, return this index
               Return i
           End If

       'once this code is executed we know we didn't find an artist
       Return -1

   End Function


'to use it, assume the user typed an artist name in your textbox

'you want to search for that artist


in your form for example on the click of a button

Dim index as integer = FindArtist(txtArtist.Text)

If index <> - 1 Then

'do what ever you want here


MessageBox.Show("Artist not Found")

End If

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today

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