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I play with GDI+, nothing serious, obviously GDI+ is designed for 2D, but if you made your self a 3d matrix, say of a pyramid, would you be able to wrap a picture around it like you could in DirectX? Since the DrawImage methods I know about only seem to allow you to draw a rectangluar portion of the picture onto a destination what would you have to do... clip the rest and keep track of where you clipped to get the other sides to line up correctly? Obviously in a pyramid scheme not all corners would line up, but some would... any of that make since? Just curious if even in 2D how you do a game such as Tri-onimoes where the peices are all triangular and use images rather than FillPath? I want to get into the Graphics a bit more, but not sure if I should skip straight into DX9 (from what tid-bits I know of GDI+) or continue on with GDI+. Comments, advise, suggestions?
  • *Experts*
Texturing a 3d object would not be possible with the drawing methods that GDI+ gives you. You don't have much choice other than using Direct3D.



Thanks guys, how about this... DX9 help files... any good? I don't like the cut and paste this code used on many tutorial web sites, that's not tutoring in my mind, that's scripting... I'm looking for a tutorial web site that not only shows the how, but the why you would do something a certain way... any suggestions from some experts on that?

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