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Is anyone familiar with incorporating Ms agents into a .net app?


i found this information for VB, but it does not appear to be valid for .net


In the General | Declarations section of you form, add this code:


Dim Merlin As IAgentCtlCharacter 'This _

"creates" Merlin

Const MERLINPATH = "Merlin.acs" '"Merlin.acs" _

is Merlin's character file.


Next, add the following code to the form's Load event:


Agent1.Characters.Load "Merlin", MERLINPATH '"Loads" _


Set Merlin = Agent1.Characters("Merlin") 'Without _

this code, every time you wanted you make Merlin _

do something, you would have to type _

"Agent1.Characters("Merlin")". With this _

code, you just have to type "Merlin".


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