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Would someone please either provide a sample or point me to an online resource for code that shows how to select a page from a word document and append it to another word docuement using automation in VB.NET?



Thanks for any help.





This code works, tested:


Public Function CopyPage(ByRef rdocTo As Word.Document, _

ByRef rdocFrom As Word.Document, _

ByVal vlngPageFrom As Long, _

Optional ByVal vfInsertPageBreakBeforeCopy As Boolean = True) As Long

' Add page to the end of the target document


' Arguments:

' rdocTo - target document

' rdocFrom - source document

' vlngPageFrom - source page number

' vfInsertPageBreakBeforeCopy - if =True - insert PageBreak mark before copied page



Dim rngPageToCopy As Word.Range ' range of the page to copy

Dim rng As Word.Range ' temporary range

Dim intPageStart As Integer ' first char position of the page to copy

Dim intPageEnd As Integer ' last char position o fthe page to copy


' check that source page number >=1

If vlngPageFrom < 1 Then

CopyPage = 1 ' source page number should be >=1

Exit Function

End If


' check that page number corresponds to a page in the source document

rngPageToCopy = rdocFrom.GoTo(what:=Word.WdGoToItem.wdGoToPage, which:=Word.WdGoToDirection.wdGoToAbsolute, Name:=CStr(vlngPageFrom))

rng = rdocFrom.GoTo(what:=Word.WdGoToItem.wdGoToPage, which:=Word.WdGoToDirection.wdGoToAbsolute, Name:=CStr(vlngPageFrom - 1))

If (rngPageToCopy.Start = rng.Start) And (vlngPageFrom > 1) Then

CopyPage = 2 ' source page doesn't exist

Exit Function

End If


' set and copy the contents of the source page into clipboard

intPageStart = rngPageToCopy.Start

intPageEnd = rngPageToCopy.Start + PageLength(rdocFrom, rngPageToCopy, vlngPageFrom)

rngPageToCopy = rdocFrom.Range(intPageStart, intPageEnd)



' set the position in the target document to copy the source

rng = rdocTo.Content

If (rng.StoryLength > 1) And (vfInsertPageBreakBeforeCopy = True) Then

' insert PageBreak mark at the of the target document if it has any text

rng.MoveStart(Word.WdUnits.wdStory, 1)


rng = rdocTo.Content

End If

rng.MoveStart(Word.WdUnits.wdStory, 1)


' paste from clipboard the content of the source page


CopyPage = 0 ' SUCCESS

End Function


Private Function PageLength(ByRef rdoc As Word.Document, ByRef rrngPage As Word.Range, ByVal vlngPageNo As Long) As Long

' return pagelength of a page.

' note: pageLength includes PageBreak mark if the page vlngPageNo is not the last page

Dim rng As Word.Range

rng = rdoc.GoTo(what:=Word.WdGoToItem.wdGoToPage, which:=Word.WdGoToDirection.wdGoToAbsolute, Name:=CStr(vlngPageNo + 1))

If rng.Start > rrngPage.Start Then

' this isn't the last page

PageLength = rng.Start - rrngPage.Start - 1 ' no PageBreakMark


' this is the last page

PageLength = rng.StoryLength - rrngPage.Start

End If

End Function





P.S. If you find a solution without Clipboard usage please send it to me.

e-mail: shamil-usersATmns.ru
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