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Hello everyone, I am trying to teach myself VB and so far have been very successful, but I have ran into a problem. Here it is. I am trying to create a lottery application that has an array of 5 numbers and that will generate a set of five numbers in the range of 0 to 9 for each array. Then the user should enter 5 numbers from Input boxes and they should be stored in another arrary. A for should display how many of the numbers match.


The reason I cant figure it out is becasue the book I am using is missing a few pages and so I dont know really where to begin. I know that I have to have two arrays, but i dont really know where to go from there.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!



Thank you



here is what I have so far.



   Dim Lotto(4) As Integer
   Dim UserNum(4) As String
   Dim count As Integer

   Sub GetNum()
       For count = 0 To 4
           UserNum(count) = Val(InputBox("Please enter a number." & _
           (count + 1).ToString))
       Next count
   End Sub

   Sub RndNum()
       Dim randomNum As Integer
       Dim count As Integer


       For count = 0 To 4
           Lotto(count) = randomNum = 1 + Int(Rnd() * 9)

       Next count

   End Sub


This piece of code it's a routine that generates 5 numbers into a ArrayList and displays them on a MessageBox...


It will help !


Imports System.Math


Dim n As New ArrayList  'I use ArrayLists... I like them most...

   Public Sub Random5Numbers()
       Randomize()     'Initializes the random-number generator.

       For i As Integer = 0 To 4   'Puts the 5 numbers into the ArrayList
           n.Add(Round(Rnd() * 9))

       'Show the five numbers on a textbox, just for testing...
       MessageBox.Show(n(0) & ";" & n(1) & ";" & n(2) & ";" & n(3) & ";" & n(4))
   End Sub


From this I think it's easy to figure out the rest... :D

Otherwise... ask again !:D

Software bugs are impossible to detect by anybody except the end user.

ok, the book that I have doesnt really go into array list anywhere in the book, so I would perfer to stay away from them.


Looking at your code, and knowing what I know I came to this


   Public Sub Random5Numbers()
       Randomize()     'Initializes the random-number generator.

       For count = 0 To 4   'Puts the 5 numbers into the Array
           Lotto(count) = Int(0 + Rnd() * (9 - 0))

       Next count


Would that work? I really didnt need the messagebox because I dont want to user to know what numbers have been seleceted.


and as far as having the user enter his 5 chocies what should i do ?

  • *Gurus*

You'd be much better served by using the Random class.

'Initialize a new random number generator with a seed value
Dim rand As Random = New Random(CType(System.DateTime.Now.Ticks Mod System.Int32.MaxValue, Integer))
'Minimum and maximum values to generate
Dim minValue As Integer = 0, maxValue As Integer = 10

'Initialize each element in array to a random number between 0 and 9 inclusive
Dim numbers() As Integer = {rand.Next(minValue, maxValue), _
   rand.Next(minValue, maxValue), _
   rand.Next(minValue, maxValue), _
   rand.Next(minValue, maxValue), _
   rand.Next(minValue, maxValue)}

Dim counter As Integer

'Enumerate through the array
For counter = numbers.GetLowerBound(0) To numbers.GetUpperBound(0)
   MessageBox.Show(numbers(counter).ToString, Application.ProductName)

  • 1 month later...

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