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I�m trying to select an entry from a child row in my data set but not having any experience with data bases and the .Net DataSet I'm having some problems.


The data set schema is very simple; I have a primary element named DIRECTORY which contains a name field and a file field.

The file field is an element named FILE which contains its own name field and several file properties fields.


So, after the data set is filled I try to access a file record in the following way.


// this line works

DataRow *foundDirRows[] =

dataset->DIRECTORY->Select("name = '{0}'", fileInfo->Directory->Name);


// assum the dir is found for this example

dirRow = __try_cast<FileInfoDataset::DIRECTORYRow*>(foundDirRows[0]);


// this is the problem line, it never finds the file

DataRow *foundFileRows[] = dirRow->Table->Select("name = '{0}'", fileInfo->Name);


If I save the data set as XML and open it in Visual Studio I can clearly see that the file entry is there and it is a child of the directory I selected.


Apparently this is not the correct way to access the row associated with the file.


:confused: How should I be doing this?

  • *Experts*

I've not tried this in C++, but if it's the same type of Select as other languages, you'll want to change your Select line to this:

DataRow *foundDirRows[] = 
dataset->DIRECTORY->Select(String->Format("name = '{0}'", fileInfo->Directory->Name));


Normally the Select method's first param, a string, is the filter. The second param is a sort. It appears as though you really want to use String.Convert to piece together your filter.



"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center." - Kurt Vonnegut

examine this code


Dim strExpr As String
Dim strSort As String
Dim expressions As Integer = CInt(Me.txtSearch.Text)
strExpr = "MilitryNumber =" & expressions
strSort = "MilitryNumber"

' Get a reference to the Main table.
Dim dtEmp As DataTable = DsMain1.Tables("Main")

' Copy only the structure of the Main table in the new table.
Dim newDt As DataTable = dtEmp.Clone()
newDt.TableName = "MN"

' Select a subset of all Main, sorted on their MilitryNumber.
Dim drows() As DataRow = dtEmp.Select(strExpr, strSort)

' Import the array of DataRows into the new table.
Dim dr As DataRow

 For Each dr In drows

 Me.DGMain.DataSource = newDt


Gary Says: To be a good programmer, you must be good at debugging

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