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Right here goes I hope... I have a Friend sub I want to convert to a class? is there a way to do it? attached is the code incase there ahve to be some changes. I admit the code is not my own design, but have a use for ti as a class instead of a friend sub.


Treeviews and classes are new to me in VB.net as I'm still learning.


Friend Sub BindToTreeview(ByVal TableName As String, ByVal FieldName As String, ByVal tView As TreeView)



Dim DbConn As ADODB.Connection

Dim DBPATH As String


DBPATH = AppPath & "Time.mdb"


'Connect To Database

Dim DbConnString As String

DbConnString = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & _



'Open Database

DbConn = New ADODB.Connection

DbConn.ConnectionString = DbConnString



'Create SQL

Dim SQL As String

SQL = "SELECT " & FieldName & " FROM " & TableName & ";"


'Create Recordset

Dim rSet As ADODB.Recordset

rSet = DbConn.Execute(SQL)


'Bind To Treeview

Dim tvItem As TreeNode

tvItem = New TreeNode

tvItem.Text = FieldName


While Not rSet.EOF

If rSet.Fields(0).ActualSize <> 0 Then tvItem.Nodes.Add(rSet.Fields(0).Value)


End While




'Close Database


End Sub


Thanx a million

P.L.U.R - Peace, Love, Unity, Respect :P
why would I need to convert it to ADO.net? all I'm really wanting to do is create a reusable bind to tree function to bind a few treeviews in an app I'm writing... I'm still new to vb.net so still hazy on why and how to do things
P.L.U.R - Peace, Love, Unity, Respect :P

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