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Making your application plugin-aware is an excellent way of ensuring easy upgradability should you want to change part, but not all of it. While not every application is suitable, a good deal are. This tutorial is intended to follow up on one I did on how to write plugin-based apps in VB6, using COM.


Doing this in .NET is actually slightly easier than in COM, in my opinion, and far more powerful. For instance, getting your COM plugins to show an interface within a dialog shown by the host application was a bit of a nightmare, and required calls to SetParent and inventive use of window styles to get working properly. This is trivial in .NET because of the Windows Forms architecture. The process of opening and inspecting DLLs in .NET is much the same.


Plugin Architecture


The best way to implement plugins in your application is with Interfaces. It is beyond the scope of this tutorial to explain interfaces, but they are in essence a contract. Any class implementing an interface must implement every member on the interface, so any application that knows about the interface knows exactly what to expect.


You start off by building a class library with the interface(s) in. Usually you would use at least two. The minimum you could have is one, which every plugin class would implement. However, in practice you generally need another interface, which the host implements so the plugins have some way of communicating back to the host application. When the interface class library has been built, you write the host application which references this library, and can inspect any number of DLLs to see if they contain classes that implement these interfaces. At this point you can develop the plugins themselves, again referencing the class library to implement those interfaces.


Writing the Interfaces


First we create a new project of type Class Library, and define the two interfaces. For the purposes of this tutorial they will be very simple. Each plugin will offer a property with the name of the plugin, and a function which accepts two integers and returns a double. The host interface will expose a method so that the plugin can cause the host to show a message box.


When you create a project of type Class Library, there will be one class there by default. We want to clear this and define an interface rather than a class:


Public Interface IPlugin

   Sub Initialize(ByVal Host As IHost)

   ReadOnly Property Name() As String

   Function Calculate(ByVal int1 As Integer, ByVal int2 As Integer) As Double

End Interface


Public Interface IHost

   Sub ShowFeedback(ByVal strFeedback As String)

End Interface


Lastly we set the build output directory to a common directory, where we'll also put the host application and the plugins.


Writing the first plugin


Since we'll need at least one to test the host application with, now we can write a simple plugin. Again, we create a new project of type Class Library, set the build output directory, and make sure we reference the interface class library we just created. Next, we modify the class provided thus:


Public Class Class1
   Implements PluginSample.Interfaces.IPlugin

   Private objHost As PluginSample.Interfaces.IHost

   Public Sub Initialize(ByVal Host As PluginSample.Interfaces.IHost) Implements PluginSample.Interfaces.IPlugin.Initialize
       objHost = Host
   End Sub

   Public ReadOnly Property Name() As String Implements PluginSample.Interfaces.IPlugin.Name
           Return "Example Plugin 1 - Adds two numbers"
       End Get
   End Property

   Public Function Calculate(ByVal int1 As Integer, ByVal int2 As Integer) As Double _
   Implements PluginSample.Interfaces.IPlugin.Calculate
       Return int1 + int2
   End Function
End Class


We've just created a simple plugin, which adds the two numbers provided together. Although we are accepting and storing a reference to the host interface, we don't actually use it. We'll do that in the next plugin we write.


Writing the Host Application


We create a new project, of type Windows Application. The first thing to do is reference the class library we just created, and set the build output to the same directory.


The main content of this article is the process of examining DLLs to see if they contain plugins, storing the information about what plugins are available, and instantiating and using them. To do this, I will provide a class, PluginServices.vb, which will encapsulate all these things.


To get our list of plugins, we use the function FindPlugins which accepts a string containing the directory to search in, and a string with the full name of the interface we're looking for classes that implement. This function enumerates over all files with the extension .dll in the directory supplied, loads them using Assembly.LoadFrom() and passes execution to another function to examine the assembly.


   Public Shared Function FindPlugins(ByVal strPath As String, ByVal strInterface As String) As AvailablePlugin()
       Dim Plugins As ArrayList = New ArrayList()
       Dim strDLLs() As String, intIndex As Integer
       Dim objDLL As [Assembly]

       'Go through all DLLs in the directory, attempting to load them
       strDLLs = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(strPath, "*.dll")
       For intIndex = 0 To strDLLs.Length - 1
               objDLL = [Assembly].LoadFrom(strDLLs(intIndex))
               ExamineAssembly(objDLL, strInterface, Plugins)
           Catch e As Exception
               'Error loading DLL, we don't need to do anything special
           End Try

       'Return all plugins found
       Dim Results(Plugins.Count - 1) As AvailablePlugin

       If Plugins.Count <> 0 Then
           Return Results
           Return Nothing
       End If
   End Function


Once all files have been examined, the function returns an array of type AvailablePlugin if some were found, or Nothing if none were found. As you can see, this function calls ExamineAssembly to inspect a loaded assembly.


The ExamineAssembly enumerates all types exported by the loaded assembly, and uses the GetInterface() method of each type to see if it implements our interface. Conveniently, this method takes a string containing the fully qualified name of the interface. In this case, it's "PluginSample.Interfaces.IPlugin" we're looking for. If a type is found that implements the interface, an entry is added to the ArrayList with the full path of the DLL and the full name of the class.


   Private Shared Sub ExamineAssembly(ByVal objDLL As [Assembly], ByVal strInterface As String, ByVal Plugins As ArrayList)
       Dim objType As Type
       Dim objInterface As Type
       Dim Plugin As AvailablePlugin

       'Loop through each type in the DLL
       For Each objType In objDLL.GetTypes
           'Only look at public types
           If objType.IsPublic = True Then
               'Ignore abstract classes
               If Not ((objType.Attributes And TypeAttributes.Abstract) = TypeAttributes.Abstract) Then

                   'See if this type implements our interface
                   objInterface = objType.GetInterface(strInterface, True)

                   If Not (objInterface Is Nothing) Then
                       'It does
                       Plugin = New AvailablePlugin()
                       Plugin.AssemblyPath = objDLL.Location
                       Plugin.ClassName = objType.FullName
                   End If

               End If
           End If
   End Sub


Lastly, we write the function that will be used to create an instance of a plugin where needed. It accepts an AvailablePlugin structure and returns an Object, to be casted to the appropriate type by the calling procedure.


   Public Shared Function CreateInstance(ByVal Plugin As AvailablePlugin) As Object
       Dim objDLL As [Assembly]
       Dim objPlugin As Object

           'Load dll
           objDLL = [Assembly].LoadFrom(Plugin.AssemblyPath)

           'Create and return class instance
           objPlugin = objDLL.CreateInstance(Plugin.ClassName)
       Catch e As Exception
           Return Nothing
       End Try

       Return objPlugin
   End Function


That's about it for the PluginServices.vb file. The rest of the application is pretty simple. In the Sub Main, we call the FindPlugins method and populate a list on the form. The user can select a plugin from this list, and has the opportunity to enter two numbers and run the plugin to see what it returns.


One more thing is needed however, and that is to create the class in the host application which implements the IHost interface, and provides the plugins with a way of calling methods in the host application. For the purposes of this sample, the method will simply display a message box.


I won't go in to everything else in the host application, hopefully the code will explain itself. It's worth noting, however, that while in this sample we create an instance of a plugin each time we want to perform a calculation, usually the lifetime of a plugin object would be much longer.


One more plugin


We will just write one more plugin, this time to multiply the two numbers. This one will also use the host interface to show a message box during calculation. The code is in the "Plugin 2" folder.


That's about it. I've attached all the code that goes with this tutorial, feel free to use the PluginServices.vb file in your own applications. It shouldn't require any modification.


MVP, Visual Developer - .NET


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