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ok so i have come this far with my program.

I want it to do a few more things that i just can't seem to figure out. here it is.


I want to check the input to make sure they are numeric before making the schedule.

I want to also make the html file look just as the listview does.

And lastly the loop for the listview needs to end at 0 for the principalbalance and currently it does not. How can i adjust the loop?


Thank you so much for all the time...



Imports System.IO

Public Class Form1

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form


Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Dim sReader As IO.StreamReader '///use the System.IO.StreamReader / System.IO.StreamWriter rather than the FreeFile method.

Dim path As String = "C:\syst2010\program1.cfg"

Dim sLine As String


sReader = New IO.StreamReader(New IO.FileStream(path, IO.FileMode.Open))

While Not sReader.Peek

sLine = sReader.ReadLine

Select Case sLine.Split("=")(0) '/// the text to the left of the = symbol.

Case "loan"

Me.txtLoanAmount.Text = (sLine.Split("=")(1)) '/// the value at the right of the = symbol.


'/// do what you want to the value ( eg: add to textbox called Loan )

Case "interest"

Me.txtInterest.Text = (sLine.Split("=")(1))

'/// and so on...

Case "years"

Me.txtYears.Text = (sLine.Split("=")(1))


Case "payment"

Me.txtPayment.Text = (sLine.Split("=")(1))


Case "HTML"

Me.txtFileLocation.Text = (sLine.Split("=")(1))


End Select

End While


Catch ex As Exception


End Try


End Sub



Private Sub btnCalculateLoan_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculateLoan.Click

'print to loan




' Make sure the Purchase Price and Down Payment have values

If Me.txtInterest.Text = Text.Empty Then

MessageBox.Show("Enter An Interest Value")

ElseIf Me.txtYears.Text = Text.Empty Then

MessageBox.Show("Enter Amount of Years")

ElseIf Me.txtPayment.Text = Text.Empty Then

MessageBox.Show("Enter Monthly Payment")

ElseIf Me.txtFileLocation.Text = Text.Empty Then

MessageBox.Show("Enter a Save Location")

Else : Me.txtLoanAmount.Text = Me.txtPayment.Text / ((Me.txtInterest.Text / 1200) / (1 - (1 / (1 + (Me.txtInterest.Text / 1200)) ^ (Me.txtYears.Text * 12))))


End If


'print to lvschedule

Dim myvar As Double = IsNumeric(False)

Dim MonthlyPayment As Double

Dim MonthlyInterest As Double

Dim TotalInterest As Double

Dim TotalPayments As Double

Dim Months As String

Dim InterestRate As Double

Dim Month As String = Now.Month

Dim InterestPaid As Double

Dim payment As Double


Dim newMonthlyInterest As Double

Dim PrincipalBalance As Double

Dim InterestBalance As Double

Dim ListItem As New ListViewItem()


' Set local variables based on inputs

Months = Me.txtYears.Text * 12

PrincipalBalance = Me.txtLoanAmount.Text

InterestRate = Me.txtInterest.Text

InterestPaid = (Me.txtLoanAmount.Text * (InterestRate / 1200))

payment = Me.txtPayment.Text


' Calculate the Monthly Interest

MonthlyInterest = (InterestRate) / 1200


' Calculate computation results

MonthlyPayment = (-MonthlyInterest * PrincipalBalance) / _

((MonthlyInterest + 1) ^ (-Months) - 1)



' Set "Results" fields

txtLoanAmount.Text = Format(PrincipalBalance, "Currency")


'clear listview




' Calculate the monthly values and fill the listview

Dim year As String = Now.Year

Dim number As Double

Dim newmonth As String

Dim i As Integer

Dim currMonth As Integer = DateTime.Now.Month

Dim currYear As Integer = DateTime.Now.Year

Dim myDates(6) As String

Dim principalpaid As Double


Dim MyMonth As Integer

Dim Name As String

'MyMonth = 4

'Name = MonthName(MyMonth, True) ' "True" returns an abbreviated name.

'MsgBox(Name) ' Name contains "Apr".


'ListItem = New ListViewItem(number)


'ListItem.SubItems.Add(Format(Month, "short date"))




Do Until PrincipalBalance <= 0

number = number + 1

For i = 0 To PrincipalBalance = 1

myDates(i) = currMonth & " " & currYear

If currMonth = 12 Then

currYear += 1

currMonth = 1


currMonth += 1

End If

Name = MonthName(currMonth, True)

'Select Case currMonth

' Case "1"

' currMonth = "Jan."

' Case "2"

' currMonth = "Feb."

' 'continue doing this for each month

'End Select




InterestPaid = (PrincipalBalance * (1 + InterestRate / 1200)) _

- PrincipalBalance


payment = Me.txtPayment.Text

InterestBalance = InterestBalance + InterestPaid

principalpaid = payment - InterestPaid

PrincipalBalance = PrincipalBalance - principalpaid


ListItem = New ListViewItem(number)



ListItem.SubItems.Add(Format(payment, "Currency"))

ListItem.SubItems.Add(Format(InterestPaid, "Currency"))


ListItem.SubItems.Add(Format(principalpaid, "Currency"))

ListItem.SubItems.Add(Format(PrincipalBalance, "Currency"))




Dim filenum As Integer

Dim filename As String = (Me.txtFileLocation.Text)


'Get the next available file number

filenum = FreeFile()


'Open the file that we can write to

FileOpen(1, filename, OpenMode.Output)



'Write to the file

PrintLine(1, "<HTML>" & vbCrLf & "<BODY BGCOLOR=" & "green" & ">" & vbCrLf & "<HEAD>" & vbCrLf & "<TITLE>" _

& "Amortization Schedule" & "</TITLE>" & vbCrLf & "<link rel=" & """listview""" & Space(1) & "type=" & _

"""text/css""" & Space(1) & "href=" & """cssname.css""" & ">" & vbCrLf & "</HEAD>" & vbCrLf & "<BODY>" & _

vbCrLf & "<P>" & Me.lvwschedule.Text.Clone & "</P>" & vbCrLf & "</BODY>" & vbCrLf & "</HTML>")



End Sub





Private Sub btnCalculatePay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculatePay.Click

'print to payment

Me.txtPayment.Text = Me.txtLoanAmount.Text * ((Me.txtInterest.Text / 1200) / (1 - (1 / (1 + (Me.txtInterest.Text / 1200)) ^ (Me.txtYears.Text * 12))))


''amortization schedule

'Dim i As Integer

'Dim year As Integer

'Dim month As String

'Dim balance As Integer

'Dim principle As String = (balance * (Me.txtInterest.Text / 1200))

'Dim interestpaid As String = (Me.txtPayment.Text - principle)

'balance = Me.txtLoanAmount.Text


End Sub



Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click


End Sub


Private Sub btnClear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click










End Sub


Private Sub lvschedule_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lvwschedule.SelectedIndexChanged


End Sub

End Class

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