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I have a Multiselect Listbox and I want to capture the items that have been selected. How do I do that ? SelectedIndex gives the Index of the first item that has been selected. How do i go through the entire list ?





Re: Listbox Items


I know SelectedIndices or SelectedItems but I am not sure how to use them ? Do i loop through them ? Can you give me some sample code ?

  • *Experts*

Didn't notice that you replied to this thread until the latest reply by CattleRustler. :)

Here is some sample code:

Dim os As ListBox.SelectedObjectCollection 'declare the collection object
os = ListBox1.SelectedItems 'fill it in
For x As Integer = 0 To os.Count - 1 'go through each and display it

Sorry for the delay :).

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