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I have this code and I want to load seven different files for extracting some values from those files.


Right now I can load a file named after the current day.



I want in form load to call a function for loading all files from 24102203.doz to 30102003.doz (all the last seven days beginning with current day)


So..all I want is to build a function after my code here and sending some parameters for different files loading.


In the end, I need to have:



vals1(3) = 30

vals2(3) = 43

vals3(3) = 54

vals4(3) = 54

vals5(3) = 76

vals6(3) = 24

vals1(3) = 86


I tried some tricks with no good results : (




Public Sub zi_()

       Dim zile(6) As String
       Dim z As Date
       Dim zs As New TimeSpan

       For day As Integer = 0 To 6
           z = Date.Now
           zs = zs.FromDays(day)
           z = z.Subtract(zs)
           zile(day) = Format(z, "dd")

       Dim month_1 As String
       Dim year_1 As String
       Dim ext As String = ".doz"
       Dim cale As String = "doze\"

       month_1 = Format(Now, "MM")
       year_1 = Format(Now, "yyyy")

       cale_finala = cale + zile(0) + month_1 + year_1 + ext

       Dim sr1 As New System.IO.StreamReader(cale_finala)
       Dim Line1 As Object
       Dim space1 As Object = "	"
       Dim enter1 As Object
       Line1 = sr1.ReadToEnd
       vals1 = Line1.Split(space1)

   End Sub




a little help here?


I�m fighting for a while with this code and can�t find a viable solution for my problem.


I still have those charts for the last seven days and the last six months.


All I made by know is to have this chart displayed but with this problem:


I load for each value from the chart a single value from one text file.


So, if current day is 20 I load:









In those case all looks perfect�but the problem occurs when the current day is, let�s say..6 Nov 2003.

In this case I need to load this files:










You see the problem? After I made my day subtraction the app is trying to load this file: 31112003.doz. The code I write can�t know the month is over and need to subtract the month to load the �31102003.doz�


Of course the problem will appear when I will display the month charts in January.


So, please if anybody can help me with this, I will be grateful.






Thank you, is working now.


Anybody has an idea how to load several text files.


I have those daily files and I want to extract a value from each file of one month to calculate a medium value for a chart.




If I want to see the medium value for October, I need to load all 31 files and to extract a specific value from each file (10,50,20,50,etc) and after that to add them and calculate the medium value like (10+50+20+50+..+n)/31 and this value to put in my chart.


I tried a loop code but no success with that.




load multiple files ??


hi again.


Nobody knows how to load multiple files to an array?


I whant just a simple code for loading the 3 files into an array. I will make the rest by myself, but I can't make this work :(




I made my loading for all the files I need, but the problems is how I can put my info from the files into separate variables ?


This because as you can see for put the info into ziua1 but when the next cicle ocur I will loose the previous data.


How I can make a separate variables for each file I open and read ?




Public Sub grafic_for(ByVal x)
       For i As Integer = 0 To x

           ziua = Format(DatTim1.AddDays(-i), "dd")
           month = Format(DatTim1.AddDays(-i), "MM")
           year = Format(DatTim1.AddDays(-i), "yyyy")

           cale_finala = cale + ziua + month + year + ext

           Dim my As IO.StreamReader
           my = IO.File.OpenText(cale_finala)
           Dim Line As Object
           Dim space1 As Object = "	"
           Dim enter1 As Object
           Line = my.ReadToEnd
           ziua1 = Line.Split(space1)

   End Sub


I myself have never loaded more than one file, but I heard it schould be possible by this little Listing:


Dim ff(x) as Integer

'x is the number of files you want to open

Dim i as Integer


For i = 0 to ff.GetUpperbound(0)

ff(i) = freefile()

FileOpen(ff(i), ....) 'I do not know all the parameters at the moment



Via Wirteline(ff(i), ...) You can Add Values. Reading should work the same way. But I did not try yet.


Plesse regard this more as a hint than as the solution to your problem.



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